How Pittsburgh Are You | Comments

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  • Wow I was just about to make a quiz like this and I'm shocked to see it in the top 40!!! Makes me proud to be from the 'Burgh! Great quiz.

    Let's Go Bucs!! First place right now!!!!

  • Wow I was just about to make a quiz like this and I'm shocked to see it in the top 40!!! Makes me proud to be from the 'Burgh! Great quiz.

    Let's Go Bucs!! First place right now!!!!

  • teddy stop now

  • what the heck you spelled steelers wrong you spelled stillers so wtf your less pitt than me. who are you to tell whos not pitt

  • So i've been visiting Pittsburgh since I was about six years once a year. I live; and have always lived, almost two hours west of Philly in Reading. Which is pronounced Red-ing...not Read-ing (what you to with a book). Ever play Monopoly? Reading Railroad? I hear those Goddamn trains all the time. Anywho, my sister went to Pitt. U. and never left the area. She lives in Murrysville and I actually got 71%! I plan to move to Pitts. in a year from now and other common words used are "sweeper" instead of "vaccum" and my brother-in-law still makes fun of my sister for saying, "i'm gonna jump through the shower."

    p.s. don't people ask for a "coke" or "pepsi" depending on what product the restaurant serves? I never call it soda and I refuse to call it pop.

    p.p.s I believe it was originally called "Soda Pop" in the 1900's when it was first manufactured, so no one wins.


    Christs Child
  • oops...I meant to write "club" soda in my comment below.

  • "Pop" is not only a Pittsburgh thing. Many people in the Midwest call it "pop". However, Pittsburghers seem to be unaware that it is called anything else but "pop".

    If you ask for a soda at a restaurant in Pittsburgh, there's a good chance the waitress/waiter will bring you a cub soda.

    It wasn't until I was 18 years old and in college (and made my first real acquaintances with non-Pittsburghers) that I realized that most of the country did not know what pop was.

    -Ted (quiz author)

  • You are 95% Pittsburgh.

    Great job! There's nooooo doubt about it. You're from Da Burgh. You deserve a reward, so go have an Ahrn City or two. And GO STILLERS!

    Yay! I live in Pittsburgh so that makes sense.

    Ummm, Cali100? I haven't heard or used the word "soda" around the Pittsburgh area since....never. We don't say it. We say POP. Go STEELERS!

  • I hate "stillers" too. It's STEELERS, kids.

    picky picky
  • Answered so many right because I have heard so many derogatory remarks about how a small fraction of Pittsburghers(never heard "the burgh" in our circles) talk.

    They are really not from Pittsburgh proper - they are from the SouthSide and certain suburbs.

    picky picky
  • that was amazing but i dint get it i am so confused what is going on ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh i board fashkffgghdkhsd you dont have to read the rest asut akljtwa eroig alakgj aoi lalalalala hfad;hkfa blue fajk pinapple hd.kjjkfsdahjs i fill like italian food hosfkhfaehf lalalalala i have nothing to do hfhoi;sd;h i am so not looking forward to starting school i am going into 9th gread so starting high school ya fun but ya hey gess what i am in a contry called kazhkstan did you know that it is the 5th larget country in the world and the largest landlocked country and befor i knew i was coming here i didnt even know it exested ya i have ben so board for the past month and all i had to do to keep me ocupied was a slow laptop whith a realy slow internet conection i haent talked to people besids my family for over a month so i think i am going insain and i haent writin anny yhing in a long time so my spelling is realy bad can you tell i amm also writing this on a laptop where the kays are falling off so it is veary difficult to typ you realy dont have to read this i am suprised you made it this far wow this is giting realy long but i amm keeping going so i am wondering does anny ine know what 78x86-45+104x236-14 54= just wondering and does anny one know somthing yo can do by yourself with only papper and a laptop that is fun hmm do you know what i am going to play a gam i will go post this on 17 other quizzes including this one see how many you can find and if you want to tell me that would be great but i really doubt anny one will play why are you still reading you have somthing better to do.

  • i got 75% :D i live near da burgh

    i really dont get how people can call pop, soda!! it sounds soo weird and fancy! haahaa

    megann xx15
  • omo!!!

    I live near Pittsburgh, or excuse me... SIXburgh!

    Seiously tho... i have never heard of soda until i was like 7. I just always heard it said as "pop"!

    i think that soda sounds so 1950's diner lingo.

    pop is like modern man!

  • what the heck was that last question? i am a valley girl in santa cruz. soooo i only got 4% and who says "pop" for soda that is just wrong!!

  • lol i got 4%

  • I posted a comment similiar to Meganium on the How Will I Die quiz commentary section about these bull chain letters. And I think that anyone who truly hates these crap chain letters should start a campaign with me! Are you in Meganium? Let's do this!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  • aint no doubt bout it. 100% (:

    i go down places south and they all know i'm from

    pittsburgh cause of my accent, ha.

    i'm pretty offended by "stillers". its "steelers" guys.

    and if you only knew how much i hate that word soda.

    its POP!

  • Test was too easy - my score was 100 -'cuda answered the questions in my sleep. I can think of many more (not tricky or difficult) questions that even if you only scored 75% would identify you as a true 'Burgher.

  • What did I miss? I got a 95 -_-

  • You know whats weird.... I live in Downingtown, Pennsylvania... wow

  • i live in ohio and ive nevr been a 53%...good quiz.

  • juh got bak from jine iggle

  • I got an 86%...not bad considering I'm from Oil City PA....never been to the big Burgh so don't know the streets and stuff. But I was raised with yinz in my heart.

  • live near da burgh
    good quiz
    lovemybillygi lman!


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