How much of a romancer are you

this will tell you how romantic you are in your relashonship. there are helpful tips, and helpful things that every one in a relashonship should think of. good luck.

Are you romantic, do you have a good relashoship, could you get a good relashonship. Have you found out how to, well heres where you can find out. Answer 12 easy questions and youre on your on your way.

Created by: Shelby
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. How would you start off the relashonship?
  2. where would you go on a date?
  3. Do you think of each other equally?
  4. do you have fun with each other?
  5. are there some boundaries?
  6. do you frequinly remind eachother your love?
  7. how often do you go out?
  8. what type of gift would you give?
  9. how many problems do you have in your relshanship?
  10. pick one romantic pair.

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Quiz topic: How much of a romancer am I