How Much Like Cool Kid95 are you?

This is the quiz I’ve considered making for a while now! I’ve always wanted to get people to see how similar they are to me In online quiz form! It’s the American Dream

This is a jokey quiz to see if you are like me, or could be a good friend! It’s pretty silly and has 3 special Easter Egg results. 2 for politics and 1 for a placeholder/Family Guy Reference. Make sure to go for them after you get how close you are to me ok? Good

Created by: Cool Kid95 of My Story (Journey of a Lifetime)
(your link here more info)
  1. Do you like to draw?
  2. Do you support Abortion
  3. Do you like Fossil Fighters
  4. What is most valuable in a friend
  5. Should we treat eachother equally? Regardless of race, sexuality, ethnicity, or our ancestry
  6. Is Duna Nichs Best Girl?
  7. Should we have open borders?
  8. Is Journey of a Lifetime good so far?
  9. Is JoJo’s Art style revolting?
  10. Do you like Rap Music?
  11. Are Double Standards Ok?
  12. Is Joe Swanson Best Boy?
  13. Is Potato Random
  14. Remember Phantom Chica?
  15. Are you Human?

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Quiz topic: How Much Like Cool Kid95 am I?

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