How much like 85.229 are u?

I made this test to see if others resemble me or not. Some of the questions are pretty funny, so go for it if you have time to waste. I am required to write more in the descripition so this is what I'm doing.

Are YOU like ME? Wouldn't it be interesting to find the answer to this fundamental question? Not many are like me but some are. Those that are not like me, are not like me. Same goes in the opposite direction. So with the help of this test we will know for sure. Good luck! 46.195 is the IP I use now!!!

Created by: Abdul Al Hazred
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. What music do you like?
  2. What kind of books do you prefer?
  3. What kind of movies do you like watching?
  4. How about spirituality and religion?
  5. How prone to bursts of anger are you?
  6. You got any psychological problems?
  7. Do you write or read poetry?
  8. Do you like animals?
  9. May I ask what your favorite beverage is?
  10. Do you have sex often (masturbation not counted)?
  11. What's your view on gays.
  12. Are you attracted to underage girls (or boys)?
  13. Are you a night or day person?
  14. You're views on immigration?
  15. Politically you are....?
  16. Favorite food?
  17. Do you like weapons?
  18. You good at sports?
  19. You work out?
  20. Can you draw or paint?
  21. Do you like computers?
  22. Are you intelligent?

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