How Much Internet History Do You Know?

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The internet is an important tool in today's society. It's what you're using right now to take this fantastic quiz! However, a lot of people who use the internet daily don't know some of the most enthralling details of early internet history.

This quiz will test your ability to recall details about early internet history, including the origin of the internet. If you enjoy the quiz, please remember to rate it and leave a comment about your result.

Created by: Rem
  1. What was the original purpose of the internet?
  2. In which country was the internet invented?
  3. What does ARPANET mean?
  4. What date is most famously cited as being the internet's "birthday" due to the switch from NCP to TCP/IP?
  5. What technology did ARPANET utilize to send messages?
  6. What does TCP/IP stand for?
  7. When was the first internet web browser written?
  8. What was the first web-browser/web-editor called at the time?
  9. When was the first search engine released?
  10. What was the first search engine ever released?

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Quiz topic: How Much Internet History do I Know?
