How much do you love your sister?

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Hi everyone, I hope your having a great day. Well as you can see I did a quiz about How much you love your sister. I wanted to do this to see how many people love/hate their sisters. But you should never hate your sister, your love for eachother is uncondionally. God made you sisters for a reason. Be grateful for the sister/s you have.

Spend time together and if your relationship is not working please try and fix it! Yall shall always love eachother no matter what. Never trade your sister for anything in the word.

Created by: itzyagrlehfany
  1. How is the relationship between you nd your sister?
  2. Have you ever thought on doing something bad to your sister?
  3. If someone did something bad to your sister, what would you do?
  4. Would you stand up for your sister?
  5. What would you do if your sister went missing?
  6. Are you afraid to lose your sister?
  7. Do you tell your sister that you love her daily?
  8. Promise me that you will always love your sister no matter what.
  9. Are you treating your sister right?
  10. Tell your sisters you love them daily Please!!

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Quiz topic: How much do I love my sister?
