How much do you know Zoella?

Many people watch Zoella (Zoe Sugg) but only a few are superfans. If you as brave enough to test your knowledge on Zoella go on click the start button cause you never know what is hiding inside your brain!

Are YOU a superfan of Zoella? Do you have the nerve to try out this quiz and find out how well you really know Zoella? Until now you can only wonder. But thanks to this great quiz, in just a couple minutes you'll find out!

Created by: Millie
  1. What is Zoella's full name?
  2. Who leaked that PointlessBlog and Zoella were dating?
  3. What colour is Zoe's hair?
  4. Did Zoe recently get her hair cut short?
  5. Are you enjoying this quiz?
  6. Who is Zoe's sibling?
  7. What pets does Zoe have?
  8. What is Zoe's pets' names?
  9. Who is Zoe's "chummy"?
  10. What type of dog is Nala?

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Quiz topic: How much do I know Zoella?