How much do you know ihascupquake

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Ihascupquake is an amazing girl who inspires people and makes people awesome so stay very happy ihascupquake and love your viewers because we love you

Thanks for taking this quiz keep being a genius about ihascupquake and stay happy everyone :) :D :-)don't be mad stay Happy, exited, loveable,and sweet

Created by: Monroe
  1. What is ihascupquake's real name
  2. What is her husbands real name
  3. What's her fave colour
  4. Is she fat?
  5. What animal does she have
  6. What color is her hair
  7. What is the name of the minecraft series that she does with red
  8. Does she have kids
  9. Did she go to private school
  10. Does she swear

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Quiz topic: How much do I know ihascupquake