How much do you know about wolves?

This is a quiz on wolves, as a wolf fanatic, I hate when people don't know the simplest of facts. When you take this test I hope you learn something new!


Created by: Luna
  1. Is there an alpha?
  2. Where do most wolves live?
  3. Whats the rarest type of wolf?
  4. What is the scientific name for wolf
  5. How many subspecies of wolves are there?
  6. How may species of wolves are there?
  7. next is always the right answer so on these three questions just press next, and on the 10th question press yes, you got that?
  8. im bored, you ready to end this?
  9. do you like wolves?
  10. You ready to see the results?

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Quiz topic: How much do I know about wolves?

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