How Well do You Know Wolves?

There are few wolf fanatics out there, but are you one of them? There is only one way to find out (unless someone else made a different quiz with the same subject) and that way is to take this quiz.

If you want to find out how much of a fanatic for wolves you really are, take a few minutes to answer these twelve questions. Some may be a little harder than others, but try your best.

Created by: Shayla
  1. How far could a wolf's howl be carried if it were in open countryside?
  2. True or false: Wolves usually move around at a gallop.
  3. Is the tail 1/4 of the body length, 1/5 the length, 1/2 the length, or 3/4 the length?
  4. What is the small claw behind the foot called?
  5. How often do wolves attack humans?
  6. Why have huge wolf packs been reduced in size?
  7. Why are the people of the Pawnee tribe often called "wolf people"?
  8. True or false: The gray wolf is the smallest and least-known of the wolves.
  9. Are dingos the closest or furthest relatives of the wolf?
  10. Why are Arctic Wolves white?

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Quiz topic: How Well do I Know Wolves?