How much do you know about the Twilight Saga?

Want to find out how much YOU know about Stephenie Meyer's Twilight series?? Take this fun quiz to find out how much you know!!!

Test how much you know about Stepenie Meyer's Twilight series in this fun quiz! Do you know as much as you think you do? Find out NOW!

Created by: Woopie Ma Goopie
  1. What is Bella's middle name?
  2. What colour was Bella's prom dress?
  3. How long was Edward gone in New Moon?
  4. What is the name of the last book?
  5. What is Edward's full name?
  6. In Twilight, which vampire nearly kills Bella?
  7. "You just spared me two long hours of a plotless, badly dubbed martial arts film". Who said this?
  8. In what book did Bella agree to marry Edward?
  9. Who is "Switzerland"?
  10. What is scheduled to come out on the 12.12.08?

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Quiz topic: How much do I know about the Twilight Saga?