How long Will you Live

Some people take there health very serious, they want to enjoy life to the best as long as they can, we have constructed a quiz to approximately estimate your lifespan, based on many assorted I your life, A chance to observe and make better decisions

Do you take your safety seriouse, do you take care of your body, are you satisfied with your body and have high expectations of your quality of life, do you want to know an estimate of how long your life will be based on your decisions and choices you make on a everyday basis?

Created by: Danny
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. are you involved with serious drugs?
  2. How often do you consum liquor
  3. Do you smoke?
  4. How dangerous is your life on a daily basis depending on the people you hang around, where you live, your job and health problems on a scale 1-10
  5. Do you have any health problems ?
  6. How serious do you take your safety for example, would you choose wearing a seatbelt or not?
  7. How healthy do you eat
  8. what is your religion
  9. Do you live in a dangerous or violent area
  10. How we'll do you treat your body?

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Quiz topic: How long will I Live