How heavy are you???

This test is mostly just to be funny, and you could literally look in a mirror to tell if you were over weight or under, but I'm honestly just trying to get laughs out of you so don't take it to seriously!!!! sorry <3

Also I don't know why someone so perfect would be taking a test like this, because clearly you don't need someone like me to try and make your self confidence lower.... STAY STRONG! <3

Created by: EWWA of youtube channel(my bfs)
(your link here more info)
  1. How much junk food do you seem to eat?BE HONEST!!!
  2. What do your friends think of you?
  3. What type of clothes do you wear? (it may not seem important but IT IS)
  4. What language do you speak?
  5. How many hours of sleep do you get a night?
  6. What type of food aisle would you be in at the store?
  7. Pop/Soda or Water
  8. I'm running out of ideas so just pick the one you like best(so sorry)
  9. Pick the one you like best
  10. Pick the one you like best (last question)

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Quiz topic: How heavy am I???
