How good are you at singing? | Comments

Below are comments submitted by users for the quiz How good are you at singing?

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  • Also, singing for idiots? Really?! I happen to be one of the smartest kids in my grade! What does inteligence have to do with SINGING?! I think you need to hit the books, here are a couple

    Quiz making for idiots
    Making relevant questions for idiots

  • You are a 0%100% amazing singer0%

    Wow...yikes you need to read a book called "singing for idiots" come back and try agin after you have!

    Why does our favorite singer and favorite type of music affect our voices?! My sister answered the first question and she's a b----, so of course she's gonna say something bad! This quiz sucked! The last 5 questions also doesn't affect our voices! At least make questions that are RELATED to voice!

  • Oh,it's one of THESE quizzez.You know that for these types of quizzez,you can make it be a classic quiz,because you used the test quiz where there is only on correct answer.Anyway,for the last 5 questions of this quiz,you didn't have to make it count!This is VERY stupid,and I bet you know it.Do us all a favor,and stop making quizzez like this!


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