how good are u at sports

there smart people when it comes to school but sports is totaly different you have to actualy have taken some type of sport to score high on this test pluse it is cool to see what you get

are u a genius in sports??? do you have the brain power to get the anwers right well until now you could just have wonder about how smart you are when it came to sports so have fun

Created by: joebear
  1. would u go outside and pratice sports or stay inside and play video games
  2. do u like football or games
  3. do u have more games or sports stuff
  4. would u go on a long jog or stay home and talk on the phone
  5. would u go on a 1 mile bike ride
  6. do u like going on a jog in the mornings
  7. do u like working out on a weekly bases
  8. do u have any type of metal or reward in sports
  9. our u bored
  10. u think u did good

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