how emo are you?

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Lots of people say they are an emo, but are they really? I didn't know if I was one myself. That's what inspired me to make this quiz. But keep in mind that the answer you get on this quiz doesn't have to be true.

I hope this quiz was fun and entertaining. Please tell me what you think about it. Don't be afraid to be rude. Please do so I can improve this quiz.

Created by: heidi
  1. What do you wear to school 🏫
  2. What music🎶do you listen to
  3. What are your favorite bands/artists
  4. Do you know who Kiss(the band) is?
  5. Where do you buy your clothes?
  6. Do you know what All Time Low is?
  7. Would you ever dye your hair blue, pink, purple, white, etc.
  8. Would you get a tattoo?
  9. What do you want to be when you grow up?
  10. Do you think of yourself as an emo?

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Quiz topic: How emo am I?