How easily offended are you? | Comments

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  • Don't worry about me Lily, everything's okay with me. I'm coping with parents issues but that's about as bad as it gets. I bet your parents are dealing with worse situations.

  • I also want you as a friend, always. And that's exactly what I want from you. To know that you're happy and healthy and that everything's okay with you. I care about you alot you know. And knowing what condition you are in makes me worried. I mean.. I don't wanna lose you.

    slytherin queeen
  • You tried to leave me? You know, I never tried to leave you at any time, because I don't leave friends alone. And you're still very important to me, I promise. I did love you then, that part is definitely true, and why we stopped the relationship I don't know. But the pressure was I guess too much for me, so I guess I'm weak? Or undecided maybe? Despite everything the vital thing is you're still my friend and I've always hoped to keep that. And the least I want from you is for you to let me know you're smiling..I don't know why, but just for a moment, out of your day. Just let me know you're okay because I care about you a lot.

  • Well, I have tried to leave you. But I never did. You're just a part of me now, Whether I like it or not. To be honest, You're one of the main reasons why I've changed. I might not show it that much but I did change. It took me a year to stop being so much in love with you. Yeah that's too much time... What's the point in loving someone who doesn't like you back? But well you know. I've erased the bad things and memories that used to be between us and some of the good things that might still make me sad. Eventhough I think like everything is finally over for me, I still have that feeling were I think like I have to be there for you when you're sad or when you need something/someone, although I can't do anything for you. It still makes me sad to see you sad and stuff like this. And I don't know why.

    slytherin queeen
  • Because how I'm acting lately. I mostly blame myself for it.

  • Why do you feel like I don't like you anymore?

    slytherin queeen
  • I'm sorry if I'm making you feel this way. I didn't realize I changed that much until now apparently. Yeah maybe I did lose that happiness I had..I do feel unhappy most of the time. But because I moved. Don't think I'm taking it out on you though, I'm not intending that. I've just gotten 10x more mature in my writing, it doesn't mean I'm sad. Maybe it's the way I write? I don't know. Sorry. And honestly I have to admit something..part of the reason I'm sort of, I don't want to say cold, but different, is because I feel like you don't like me anymore, at least not as much as before. That's why I said all my friends left me. Those in Germany and you.

  • Well.. I don't know how to put this but I mean like... You weren't as happy and cheerful and energetic as you used to be. Like you were trying to hide something that was making you sad. Well we were in a relathionship back then and I used to feel like I wasn't that important to you anymore. Or like You had a lot more on your mind that I felt like you didn't care or think about me anymore. Meh I was stupid, I know. But You're alot more mature now. Not that you weren't before. You're just different from the guy I met back in January, 2012.

    slytherin queeen
  • Yes, I believe I "have" changed a bit after moving back here. I almost shudder to recall the first step back in this place. Not that it's bad, I like it pretty fine except the areas where I'm at now. My family and I are kind of outsiders here..I feel like I'm being mocked..well, that's what happens when you move and move and move nonstop to different places. So don't worry, I should realize my own problems here.

    And I have one tiny question, what way have I changed to you?

    Oh yeah, I didn't puke last night luckily. But you really, really don't want to know the occasion. Forget it all, it's wise to, haha.

  • Well yeah, Who wouldn't want physical contact instead of virtual contact? But that's all you've got right now so try to enjoy it as much as possible. And parents issues? That's something I've been trying to deal with since the day I was born. It does make us sad to see our loved ones like that, but you've got to understand that their issues have nothing to do with you and that you can't do anything to make them better. So just let them solve their problems by themselves and don't think about them too much. It takes time though. All those problems that you have take a long time to leave you. I know exactly how bad it feels..

    And well.. To be honest I always felt like you changed So much after you moved to America.

    I do wanna know why..

    slytherin queeen
  • Physical contact is what I love, and so I'm barren of it. My family is lacking that, in fact,..and my parents are having issues on top of that, which made me cry, but I don't know how come. I just love them as much as possible I guess. You understand do you? How it feels? You know, to be honest, ever since our family moved from Germany, we became sort of not ourselves. It's not so easy maintaining a good contact with our friends and all when we are so far away from their actual selves. But at least I try to talk (online or by phone[rarely]) and we all listen to good oldies music and..I'm..oh lord haha I think I'm going to don't want to know why....

  • Damn :/ It sucks to miss people. Why don't you call them? Or like chat with them. Video chat

    slytherin queeen
  • I'm just missing my friends, from Germany. You get those times of mourning too right? It's quite painful :(

  • =( What's wrong? I'm right here if you need someone to talk to.

    slytherin queeen
  • Gee am I usually that down at night? Sorry, I'm going through issues, what most military families go through :(

  • Hey hey heeeyy what's going on buddy?

    slytherin queeen
  • My friends all left me, I'm crying like everyday. I can't understand this. (Sorry, I'm feeling lonely at night)

  • Oh, yeah I don't like shopping either. But I went to find halloween costumes, which I STILL don't like shopping for. And There was a man with a bloody apron following people, thought he was a zombie. ???

  • Wow, I don't think so. It's been long since the last time I went shopping though :/

    slytherin queeen
  • Hm..Because do you get those times when you go to a mall for the first time in 1 year?? I do! Haha

  • Shopping malls? Yeah I guess I like them. How come?! x)

    slytherin queeen
  • Yeah you're right :) and hey, do you like the mall? Like, any mall?

  • Nah it's okay. Atleast it's not TOO serious. You'll feel better~

    slytherin queeen
  • That's just it, I just feel sick to my stomach, and plain weird. Can't explain it :) sorry..I'm bad with words.

  • I still don't know what's wrong but that's great! Thank god you're normal :)

    slytherin queeen

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