How easily offended are you? | Comments

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  • I'll reach it some day... :)

    Hey um, damn it I miss you. And I hate making you wait this much for a reply.. I'm really sorry.

    slytherin queeen
  • Yeah but it won't be that long, I'm sure it won't.

    We're not " just users", we're something else entirely =P

  • Wonderful ^__^ Well... I still have a looong way to go to get what I actually like.

    It's because We're not just some users on a quiz site :D Actually we are, but ya know =))

    slytherin queeen
  • Yes I'm studying what I "love" actually :) the same goes for you I bet. I love it more than I thought I would.

    Not many people on this site have talked to another user for like three years gahah! :P

  • Hm a psych course... that's so cool! May's not that far. I'm really happy for you. n__n Atleast you're studying what you actually like, right?

    I know right?! It's amazing ^__^

    slytherin queeen
  • Graduation's in like May. I don't know when I'll start college exactly, but for now I'm at a community college, taking a psych course. Yeah we talked for a long time, haven't we, wow..almost seems unrealistic? I dunno, it's cool though.

  • That's great ^__^

    So when's your graduation? When are you gonna start college?

    Sorry I ask alot of questions about that =) It's just that... I was thinking about how grown up and mature we've became. I mean, we were like 13 when we first met and now I'm almost 17 and you're going to college. It's been 3 years! That's just so awesome. =]

    slytherin queeen
  • Yeah I know you're busy. Apparently I am too, sorry for that. I'm okay, and I did enjoy it, very much. Thanks for asking =)

  • Yeah that's a good advice. That's what I'm doing right now I guess..

    Mmhm (: You know I'm still busy and stuff. I'm having my exams and all so yeah, I'm just busier than usual haha.. How about you? Are you enjoying your holidays? :)

    slytherin queeen
  • Oh..religion is definitely not for anyone, but is significant in the world in general..sadly. I'm sorry you have to go through all that. I couldn't imagine having to be forced upon any religion. Just be strong in what you believe in but at the same time be cautious of what's around you. My words of advice. :)

    I'm happy to hear that :) You ARE okay right now, right?

  • Wow you're really smart :) I'm not really good at those. I mean I never really liked them.. I like learning NEW languages, eventhough I suck at my own language :/ It's hard! And it actually has no beauty. Or maybe that's just how I feel. It's either about war or God and that's it. Just like another theology book. It sucks to be here while being a... Well I'm not sure if I'm an atheist but I don't believe in any religion. And people here are so religious it pisses me off. And if anyone finds out that someone doesn't believe in god or a religion, they'll hang that person. Yeah that's Islam for them... And that's actually the main reason why everything's so different here from anywhere else in the world. I hate it.

    Me too. ^-^ (About you)

    slytherin queeen
  • Cool :). Yeah I'm not that into maths, but I'm fairly good at it. I prefer history, language, etc.

    Of course, I like to make you happy.

  • Hmm that's cool! Well yeah but that's not an exact major, It's just my highschool major. For my major in university I'm thinking about Software engineering or maybe something more related to Physics like Mechanical engineering.

    Aww Thank you ^____^ Knowing that is enough to make me happy. (:

    slytherin queeen
  • There are a couple majors I'm thinking of.. Classics is the one I'm thinking the most of. What about you? Oh wait, math and physics, right?

    Thanks, merry Christmas to you too (don't remember if you celebrate or not, excuse me for this) I love you too, seriously, I do. I hope you're okay and happy and I wish I could be there to give you a hug. :)

  • Hey, Merry Christmas Tony. :) And Happy new year~ I wish you all the happiness and success and health and I hope you get everything you wish for. And I love you. So much! And I send you hugs ^___^

    slytherin queeen
  • Yeah I guess (: So what majors do you have in mind?

    Oh and sorry if I say stupid stuff =) I don't know much about colleges there, Everything's just so different here.

    slytherin queeen
  • College will always be of huge importance to everyone in their beginning lives. I'll just keep that in mind. Thanks, and yeah it will be hard to stick with a major, but it's suggested by all means I do that. It will be well worth it in the end.

  • Yeah I listened to it when I read your post. It's nice, and sad. It's like one of those songs that you feel like the singer's talking about you.

    Ooh right, money... Didn't really think about that. I'm not really that familiar with the system of college there since we have a total different system here. But try not to change your major. It IS hard to choose only one path to continue for the rest of your life but try to choose something that you like best. Liking what you do is alot more important than how much money you'll get out of it. Because well it leads to your future job, and your future life style. What subjects do you like best at school? Just read about all the different majors that are related to your favorite subject. And again, Don't change your major. It makes you feel more lost and confused than what you feel now.

    slytherin queeen
  • Have you heard of Untitled by Simple Plan? (Just wondering because it's a really beautiful and sad piano ballad)

    I agree, but the "money" aspect has a much greater importance in college. And the whole idea of majors and whatnot is unnerving to most people including myself..haha. I'm going to be switching majors a whole lot, I bet you.

  • Yesss I love that song!

    Hm... College. They say it's better than highschool. What are you so worried about? I mean yeah, it is kinda stressful to think of it but it'll be just like another highschool year, but with older and wiser people. Everything's hard at first but you'll find a way to deal with it and actually enjoy it~ Just don't think about it too much, And try to have a great time in the holidays. (:

    slytherin queeen
  • That's cool. "Walk with me in hell" is a good song by LoG. Have you heard it?

    College, and it's stressing me out. I'll be a bit stressed and tired and sad for a while, until I figure things out. Hehe I'm going to be a mess next week(Christmas break), but that's what breaks are for, to have time to solve problems. Haha.

  • Nevermind. Oh they're pretty good, Haven't heard that many songs by them though. Maybe like 2 or 3 from each one. And I'm into Lamb of God, Archenemy and Children of Bodom for now (:

    What were you thinking of?

    slytherin queeen
  • Hehe I was thinking about something..kind of ironic.

  • Good choice :) @tenten16
    @lily Why "what"?

  • ....What? .-.

    slytherin queeen

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