How Dominican Are You?

Dominicans are amazing people but there are not a lot of true dominican. Sure we are loud and drink alot of beer but hey no one is perfect? Are they??????

Are YOU a true dominican,do u drink cerveza like its beer? do u spend allllll u money on cold cold cold beer? Did u ever get a beating with the black belt? with my test you will find out in a couple of minutes.

Created by: David
  1. Some of your favorite expressions are "Que Lo Que???" , "Cono" , "Ahh....Po Ta Bien!!"
  2. People say to stop screaming when u talk!
  3. Have u ever been beated when u where a lil kid with "the black belt", a wooden spoon a branche.
  4. Do u eat "tostones" with ketchup?
  5. Do u pronounce "Corn Flakes" "confle"
  6. If you have ever been in a car (that fits 5 people) and u had 7 people and someoen said "Caben Ma!!!"
  7. Do u think plantain is the best fruit?
  8. Do u point at things with ur nose or mouth?
  9. Do u know wat "Presidente" is?
  10. Do u slap ur hands when u laugh?

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Quiz topic: How Dominican am I?