How Does Your Crush Feel About You? | Comments

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  • Love

    Your crush really does love you, and want to be with or at least around you. It's no crush... they really do have deep feelings for you! (Tips and Advice: If your crush refers to you as just a friend, it's because they don't want to lose you by going into a relationship. If your crush is showing signs, they feel ready to go into the relationship, and you should show signs back. If your crush doesn't pay much attention to you, at this point, they are trying not to make an ass of themselves in your company). Congratulations!

    Awwwwwww thx :P

  • Thanks for taking my quiz! I hope you got the answer you were looking for. If not, I'm sorry and just know there are plenty of other people in the world =) Or that it's just a quiz. In the comments, tell me about your special someone!


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