How Brighton are you?

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How well do you know Brighton. Are you a Brightonian? Do you love seagulls, hippies and hen nights, and all things Brighton? Take the quiz, find out if you fit in.

How well do you know Brighton? Are you a Brightonian? Do you love seagulls, hippies and hen nights and all things Brighton. Take the quiz, find out if you fit in.

Created by: BRIGHTON
  1. Brighton has two piers, West pier and. ...
  2. I usually have a great night out. ...
  3. My nights out usually end at...
  4. Hove....
  5. What do you think of gay people.
  6. My mode of transport in Brighton is...
  7. My best friend is....
  8. Volks...
  9. Nudist....
  10. Leaving the Brighton bubble you...

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Quiz topic: How Brighton am I?