How brave are you?

So, you're probably thinking, "Should I take this test/quiz? Could this really be the answer to the universe?" Unfortunately, this can't help ALL problems stop, but it can stop a few.

Fair warning: There are about 3 responses that could be gross, so if you are easily grossed out, try something else. Otherwise, let the quiz/test begin!

Created by: Gbeth
  1. You are walking down the street, with your pocket knife in your pocket, when a murderer steps out of the shadows and tries to kill an old man...
  2. If you chose to save the old man, the old nan gave you $5 and you continued down the street. If you didn't the old man died and the bad guy got away. When you are off the street, a zombie horde is chasing a girl...
  3. The girl thanks you and runs off.(if you chose something else, you were surrounded by a barrier, and the zombies vanished.) Suddenly, you reach the top of a burning building and have two options: jump off or wait for the firemen.
  4. The firemen don't come soon enough, so no matter what you said, you jump off and land on a mattress. Suddenly, you turn the corner and find a young boy being kidnapped...
  5. You go to the other side of the building, no matter what you said, and saw the boy near death, so you freed the boy. Then you head to the park and are being attacked by a vicious dog...
  6. You walk to a lake(the dog left), and you see a large bee near the lake, and you're allergic...
  7. You deccide to leave the lake( the bridge broke), and you pass a woman being tied up...
  8. You pass a power plant, and see a man about to be dipped into toxic waste...
  9. You finally return home and sit on your bed, thinking...
  10. Did you like my quiz? (This won't effect anything)

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Quiz topic: How brave am I?