How big is your belly belly

There are many fat people in america and few skinny people In America I made this quiz to help people find out if they need to gain or lose weight.

Are you fat?if so take this quiz to help lose or guin. Have fun. If you have the correge to take this quiz then you will have fun and find out for you self if this will make you want to gain or lose

Created by: Kaden Hortin
  1. Can you see your toes/legs?
  2. How many meals do you eat a day?
  3. Can you run jump & climb
  4. How deep is your belly button?
  5. Do you like belly buttons:D
  6. Look down what do you see
  7. Do you exercise
  8. How many times do you exercise a week
  9. How fat are your friends
  10. Do you like your belly

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Quiz topic: How big is my belly belly