How Much Belly Fat Do You Have?

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There are a variety of body types in the world: fit, skinny, normal, chubby, fat, etc. But no matter what body type you have, everyone has some body fat.

This quiz will tell you how much belly fat you have regardless of whether or not you have a lot of muscles. Even toned people have a small layer of fat covering their abs. This quiz is mostly meant for girls.

Created by: Jules
  1. Wear tight jeans, sit down, and relax your belly. What happens to your belly?
  2. Remain sitting and pinch your belly fat. How much can you pinch?
  3. Remain sitting. How many fat rolls do you have?
  4. Remain sitting and measure your belly (around belly button). What is the measurement?
  5. Remain sitting and pinch your love handles (side fat). How much can you pinch?
  6. Remain sitting but now bend over. Squeeze your belly fat. How much fat can you squeeze?
  7. Remain sitting and bending over. How many fat rolls do you have?
  8. Remain sitting and bending over. Measure your belly (around belly button). What is the measurement?
  9. Remain sitting and bending over. Squeeze your love handles. How much can you pinch?
  10. Now stand up and look at yourself in the mirror. What do you see?
  11. Remain standing and look at yourself in the mirror again but this time from the side. What do you see?
  12. Remain standing and pinch your belly fat. How much can you pinch?
  13. Remain standing and measure your belly (around belly button). What is the measurement?
  14. Remain standing pinch your love handles. How much can you squeeze?
  15. Remain standing but now bend over. What does your belly look like?

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Quiz topic: How Much Belly Fat do I Have?

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