How big a #dt noob are you

Hai, if you think you're quite the regular I have a test for you to prove you wrong. This thingy needs at least a hundred and fifty characters. And it must not contain gibberish or excessive repeating characters.

Go ahead, take it. Don't come crying to me if you fail though. This thingy needs at least a hundred and fifty characters. And it must not contain gibberish or excessive repeating characters.

Created by: kip
  1. What is Dream Theater?
  2. Which of these people is not from Holland?
  3. Which of these people had a relationship together once?
  4. What does TGP's nickname stand for?
  5. Who founded the #dt chat pretty much? Or at least has been there the longest.
  6. Who's the biggest loser?
  7. Which of these people is not from Finland?
  8. What does Niccho hate?
  9. Which of these people will be going to Wacken 2008?
  10. Who's the most loveable person in #dt?
  11. Which of these people is not American?
  12. And finally: kip is the queen

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Quiz topic: How big a #dt noob am I