How Awkward Are You? | Comments

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  • I got 40%

    I am very awkward! I ran into doors a ton of times! Once at McDonalds I stepped on someones foot and I was wondering what is this so I stepped on it harder and then I looked behind in embarrassment realising I stepped on someones foot! That happened at Adli too! I once called my cousin Dad and then called my dad the name of my cousin! I mix up my words all the time and trip in public! I once told my cousins friend his shoe laces were untied but I didnt know he was looking at his feet and he looked at me with a Gumball rockstar snarl! Much more has happened but this will be too long!

    I am the most Awkward and embarrassing and clumsiest person alive!

  • Almost half way weird,seems legit as I am very unique and creative alot but I don't find myself very insane nor carried away to often typically anymore. Cool quiz anyways though.


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