Hogwarts Part 27 | Comments

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  • @hp4evr Wait, did you get that as a result? o_o That's interesting... Unless you're referring to the Hogsmeade date, in which case I have to fit everyone in at some point. :)

    Anyway, thanks so much! I don't think writing is my greatest skill in general, so it really isn't in my future as a career. It is quite enjoyable for me nonetheless, and I don't plan to stop even if I don't feel it's quite up to writing standards. :)

  • Well, I'm not torn and I'm pretty much sure about it. So, I'm a bit confused. Ron, seriously? It's just unimaginable. No offence meant though.

    It's a great edition like always and I enjoyed it. Perhaps I never told you before but I really like your word choice and the fact that your writing stays quintessentially 'Hogwartians.' I wish I can copy that but then it's not wise to copy. :)

  • @vulturemonem I find myself torn at times as well, but I always find myself going back to one in the end. :) Anyway, thank you and good luck with those books!

  • Ah. I seem to be a Harry's girl on this edition. Honestly, the results I click are never intentional, if you know what I mean, I just click the one that's natural. And I seem to have Harry. Oh dear! I really am a torn girl! *looks between Harry, Oliver and Cedric*

    I loved this edition, and I was sooo excited when I saw this on the new quizzes list. I remember reading your first edition, loving it, and then I never read the rest when you out them out, so I read them all in about three hours when I saw one.

    I think two people should get together and write two books, answering each others question. Book 1: For Guys: How A Girl's Mind Works. Cause seriously, they don't get it. Book 2: For Girls: How To Fathom A Guy's Utterly Illogical Brain. I'd like to know.

    Ok. I'm going off topic here! I loved it, and I can't wait for the next edition!

  • @liz_king97 O_o I can try...but no promises!

  • My Ronald. ^__^ And DOBBY'S SOCK, I STILL NEED TO FINISH PART 4!!! O__O yikes....

    Amazin g, as usual! I just want that date with Ron to be absolutely PERFECT, you hear?! *shakes wand threateningly* I mean it!*glares*


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