Hogwarts Love Story Pt 30

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Now that Dumbledore's Army has been formed, you're going to meet a lot of people you haven't met before. But before all of that, Quidditch anyone? Let's see if you're fit for this or, you can always join the Inquisitorial Squad?

Will you get the Hogwarts guy of your dreams? Who knows, starting from year 3 till 8 (Because year 1 & 2 are still too young to date)you will get your chance from being friends to lovers by the end of the year?

  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. It was getting harder to do anything with Professor Umbridge enforcing new rules every bloody second, everyone in Dumbledore’s army agreed to see each other once in a while so there would be no suspicion cast. You walked out of the Great Hall to head for Quidditch practice when you saw the Slytherin gang and Ambrosia staring at the new educational degree. “It’s about time we put order into this school.” Draco smirked, you watched as Pansy slowly linked arms with Draco and you noticed a small twitch in his hand. “Let’s go sign up, Draco!” Pansy said in her attempt at a flirtatious voice. He turned his head towards her but noticed you; you watched as he slowly brushed off Pansy’s arm “You go on ahead, I have something to do.” Ambrosia caught sight of you and said nothing and followed Pansy and the rest of the Slytherins as Draco stayed behind.
  2. You walked over to Draco and laughed “How are you today, Draco?” You said mimicking Pansy’s voice; Draco cringed and laughed “Don’t do that again.” Draco placed his hands in his robes and shifted his eyes to the decree “How about it? Are you going to join the Inquisitorial Squad?” He asked as he pointed, you knew very well the only reason why Professor Umbridge created that decree was to uncover Dumbledore’s army which you were a part of. “Uhm…” Draco studied you and you didn’t know what to say “Is there something wrong?” A lot of things were wrong with what he asked. “No, nothing…” You said; he shrugged “Well, it’ll be fun and I bet that Potter is up to something, Professor Umbridge really can’t stand him you know. She keeps an eye on him.” You nodded your head and noticed you had to get to practice. “I really have to get to Quidditch practice. I’ll talk to you later…” You said; Draco apologized for keeping you behind and head to Professor Umbridge’s office to sign up.
  3. As you made your way to the Quidditch Field, you met Cedric who was surrounded by some of his friends only a few steps away from Hagrid’s Hut and the bridge. “Hey Cedric, your girlfriend is heading this way!” A boy with ashy brown hair said; Cedric turned his head to face you but suddenly was attacked by a boy who was about your age with jet black hair and a purple streak in it. “Cedric, I didn’t know you had a thing for-oh, hey, aren’t we in the same year?” The boy with jet black hair asked he had a strong American accent that you couldn’t help but to chuckle at. Cedric pushed away the boy and walked over “Sorry about that…” He mumbled and straightened his hair; his face was red and his ears a shade of pink. “It’s…alright, I didn’t mind as much.” Apparently, it did bother you because you couldn’t help but to think Cedric has been mentioned to people you were his girlfriend. The boy with the jet black hair laughed and shook his head as if he understood your true intentions. “Who’s that?” You uncomfortably shifted your eyes back and forth from Cedric to that boy. “His name is Reese. He’s entertaining!” Cedric laughed.
  4. “I can see that.” You chuckled as you moved a piece of your hair away from your face. “So, you’re telling people that I’m your girlfriend?” You eyed Cedric but gave a sly smile, he blushed harder and was a loss for words “No, you know how people are…rumours and we spend a lot of time together.” You nodded but continued with the smile which Cedric couldn’t help but to blush once more. “Well, I’d love to stay and chat but I have to get to Quidditch.” You smiled, Cedric‘s face lit up “That’s right! You’re the new seeker! I can’t wait to have a match with you!” He said cheerfully; you stared at him with a confused expression until it hit you “You’re the…Hufflepuff Seeker…” You said as slowly and he nodded and chuckled “Yeah, I’m not going to go easy on you, just so you know.” You nodded as you’ve heard that line one too many. “Well, I should let you practice. I’ll see you later.” He waved and you slowly made your way to the Quidditch field every now and then looking back at Cedric. “She’s…interesting that one.” Reese said as he walked over to Cedric, he chuckled and nodded “There’s so much about her.” Cedric said as he watched you walk down and crossed his arms. Reese smirked and turned around “Wouldn’t you like to know,” He teased with his back turn “If you need me, I’ll be down by the lake. I could use an afternoon swim.”
  5. You were dressed in your Quidditch robes when a girl with dark rich thick brown hair that was shoulder length and fishtail braid to the side with deep blue eyes that went well with her heart shaped face and light pink cheeks walked up to you. “You’re late.” You blinked hard at her as you just entered the field and adjusted your Quidditch gloves. She was 5’6 and leaned against her broom that stood by her left. “I’m sorry, I got side tracked.” You said adjusting your right glove “I’ll let you off easy since this is your first practice but the next practice, I expect you to be here on time!” You were taken back and didn’t appreciate someone other than Jeremy telling you what to do. “Alright…” You said as you placed your hands by your side, the girl extended her hand “Ebony Carol, 5th year just like you and this is my third year on the Quidditch team…I’m a Chaser and I’d like to win this year’s Quidditch cup.” You gave an intriguing smile and shook her hand “_____ ______, same year and I’ve seen you around. You were at the meeting at Hogs Head, weren’t you?” You said as you took back your hand, she nodded and laughed “I smelled an adventure and I wanted in!” She said enthusiastically and admired her attitude, the moment was broken when a bunch of Gryffindor players came walking down onto the field. “What the…” Ebony snarled as she took her broom and headed their way.
  6. “It’s a Ravenclaw practice! We booked the field!” Ebony yelled out as the Gryffindor players were a few steps away from her, a girl with blond wavy hair and side bangs that hung loosely across her face and bright green eyes was the first to approach Ebony. “Are you daft? We called the field first.” She said as she was face to face with Ebony, now that you got a closer look, you could see hints of gold in her eyes. “Unless you have a letter from a Professor, JJ then I won’t have anything against it.” Ebony scowled at the girl who you now known as JJ. You watched as JJ was a loss for words, you didn’t expect her to say or do much, and JJ to you seemed like a delicate rose who was extremely pretty despite her efforts of trying. You thought wrong. “It doesn’t matter anyway, with the practice you, Ravenclaws, get you’ll be nowhere as good as ours.” JJ smiled, Harry grabbed her arm and pulled her away looking apologetic to you. Ebony was about to strike but you and Jeremy who just arrived with the rest of the Ravenclaws’ held her back. “Would you like to eat those words!?” Ebony yelled at JJ who was hidden within the other players but stepped out to face Ebony. “Don’t get so cocky now; I wouldn’t want you to run to your common room crying.” “JJ!” Harry yelled but she did nothing but turns back and smiled. “We’ll just see who’s crying when we win.” Looks like you’re going to have a friendly practice.
  7. Ebony quickly turned towards the rest of the team but had her eyes on you. “It’s time to prove you worthy of this team! Leah and Jack will take care of the Weasley’s; they’re as good as beaters as they are.” The two beaters smiled and winked at you “Harry may have experience, a firebolt and-“ “Inspiration pep talk, Ebony, the pressure has been lifted!” You sarcastically joked around with her but she wasn’t amused. “Harry will go easy on you, take advantage of that!” And with that the team dispersed and went to their positions. Little did Ebony know, Harry wasn’t going to go easy on her. You mounted your broom and watched as Harry smiled at you which JJ caught glimpse of and wasn’t too happy. “Oh boy…” You mumbled to yourself.
  8. Your brooms were all in the air and you waited for the balls to be released. The Bludgers followed by the Golden Snitch were release but it wasn’t until the Quaffle did the game actually started. JJ and Ebony really went at it and with the pressure that was put on you, you couldn’t let Ebony down. You searched frantically for the Golden Snitch, Harry was only a few ft. away from you but you couldn’t get distracted now. You zoomed around but apparently, you gave Harry the wrong message and he flew by your side. “Wow, you’re quicker than I thought!” Harry said as he tried to find where the Golden Snitch was as he was by your side, you shook your head and zoomed away but Harry wasn’t going to let you go so easily. “I like a good challenge!” Harry yelled out with a laugh, you didn’t want to hear it but with your flying, you almost flew straight into one of the Gryffindor Chasers who had the Quaffle, with your lousy flying, you made her drop the ball “Nice one, ______!” Jeremy cheered as he was guarding the hoops; Ebony flew by and gave you thumbs up while JJ gave you the stink eye. You sighed and checked if Harry was still behind you, he wasn’t he actually got sight of the Golden Snitch this time. You zoomed down to Harry as you ended up bumping him off course, he was surprised and he smirked. You both were head and head for the Golden Snitch.
  9. You probably circled the perimeter of the Quidditch Field at least twenty times; the score was 90-80 with Gryffindor in the lead by 10 points. You and Harry were a good match for each other because you both were persistent. You leaned forward which gave you an inch ahead of Harry, Harry leaned further but the Snitch has already changed its course, it was heading for the ground similar to the tryouts. You had the advantage, you were only seconds away from Golden Snitch but a group of Slytherins walked onto the field holding up their hands ordering you to halt, but it was too late. You couldn’t control your broom and you ended up colliding head on with Ambrosia and Pansy. Your face met the cold ground as Ambrosia’s legs were on your back and Pansy’s head touched yours. You heard a whistle being blown and the sound of brooms flying towards you. “GET OFF!” Pansy shrieked but you were nowhere touching her body. You got up and dusted your Quidditch robes “Gladly.” Ambrosia stood up and eyed you; you and her never spoken since last year before the first challenge. You watched as Draco looked concern but brushed it off as Harry was now standing in front of him. “What do you want Malfoy?” Harry snarled. “Unauthorized Quidditch match? Of course, you’d be here. I’ll deduct 50 points from both teams.” Draco said, the Gryffindors and Ravenclaws were outrage. “What!?” You blurted out.
  10. “By the order of Professor Umbridge, you all are looking at the new Inquisitorial Squad. We’re basically everything a Prefect isn’t. “Ambrosia said proudly, everyone in Ravenclaw looked disgusted at her because as well as her being in the same house as them, she acted as if she belonged in Slytherin. “The hell what Professor Umbridge or you lot says.” JJ said as she was the most outraged next to Ebony. They both had a common interest; the hatred of all next to most Slytherins. “Watch your tongue, you stupid blond girl!” Pansy barked at JJ; JJ eyed her “Shut up, since when does the color of my hair have to do anything with intelligence? If you’re going to worry about how I act, you should fix yourself first!” Ebony laughed hard at what JJ said; if it wasn’t for Quidditch, Ebony and JJ could have been really good friends. “50 points from away from you, JJ, for that insult, 50 points from you, Ebony, for that menacing laugh and…” Pansy took one look at you and smiled “100 points away from you, simply because, I don’t like you.” Your fist clenched and you were leaped at Pansy however Harry and Ebony held you back. “200 points!” Pansy snarled, Draco quickly rushed his posse away before things got ugly.
  11. “By the order of Professor Umbridge, you all are looking at the new Inquisitorial Squad. We’re basically everything a Prefect isn’t. “Ambrosia said proudly, everyone in Ravenclaw looked disgusted at her because as well as her being in the same house as them, she acted as if she belonged in Slytherin. “The hell what Professor Umbridge or you lot says.” JJ said as she was the most outraged next to Ebony. They both had a common interest; the hatred of all next to most Slytherins. “Watch your tongue, you stupid blond girl!” Pansy barked at JJ; JJ eyed her “Shut up, since when does the color of my hair have to do anything with intelligence? If you’re going to worry about how I act, you should fix yourself first!” Ebony laughed hard at what JJ said; if it wasn’t for Quidditch, Ebony and JJ could have been really good friends. “50 points from away from you, JJ, for that insult, 50 points from you, Ebony, for that menacing laugh and…” Pansy took one look at you and smiled “100 points away from you, simply because, I don’t like you.” Your fist clenched and you were leaped at Pansy however Harry and Ebony held you back. “200 points!” Pansy snarled, Draco quickly rushed his posse away before things got ugly.
  12. You all watched as the Slytherins trotted off, you were released but still boiling with anger. Ebony rubbed the back of her neck and sighed. “Well, I guess that’s game…damn that was disappointing.” Ebony said with a depressed tone, JJ laughed and looked at her “I’m sorry I acted that way, from the way I saw it, you hate Slytherins’ as much as I do.” She smiled and extended her hand, Ebony smiled and shook it. “We won’t count this game but I look forward to versing you in the future.” She smiled and walked away. Harry followed shortly after but Harry whispered into your ear “We’re meeting tonight in the place.” He looked back and saw the entire Ravenclaws smile but Ebony understood but she just went along with it. “Don’t forget and watch out for the Inquisitorial Squad.” His breath tickled your ear and he ran to join alongside with his teammates. “Aren’t you Cedric’s girlfriend?” Leah, one of the Beaters asked, she was the same year as Cedric and you couldn’t help but to give an awkward smile, Ebony on the other hand laughed hysterically at what she heard. “No need for that two timing but its good, keep your enemies close!” Jeremy winked and the other team except Ebony walked away. She tried to hold back her laugh but she couldn’t. “Oh, c’mon Mrs. Diggory, lighten up! We’re going to see your husband tonight anyways.” Ebony said with her arm around your shoulders “Lay off it!” You pushed her away teasingly but she wouldn’t let go. “I’m going to like you!”
  13. Sorry, you know how I am, when I get writer’s block. I stop until I have enough questions to post up and start anew. Well, I hope you enjoyed meeting the latest edition to the Hogwarts Love Story characters! Congratulations to @Bluebird’s American and mysterious, Reese Parker! @Obssions0112’s enthusiastic and determined, Ebony Carol and last but certainly not least, the defending and headstrong, JJ Martinez by @Jamie (who you may know from reading @Bluebird’s amazing series, Hogwarts is such a complicating place, who also won her contest!) There is more to come from them but we’ll find out in the next edition! Stay Magical! x

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