Hogwarts Love Story Pt 14.2 | Comments

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  • Cedric so cute, i hope he really doesnt die, i really miss Oliver, i have an idea, imagine at the Yule Ball, Oliver comes and sees me and Cedric together that would be a drama

  • @natuhleegayle I know I'm probably being mean, but I honestly hope Ambrosia DID have love potion in Blaise Zabini's food. I actually kinda like him(not in a romantic way), and I was thinking of having him as a result in my Hogwarts story, just so there aren't so few Slytherin boys(actually, just one) there. I guess it's a little too late, now...

  • @AiFiahK3mE - Haha! I'm glad that Fleur's character is appealing to everyone ! Yeah, I think we had enough of her coming into our business but we're not entirely through with her..

  • @natuhleegayle That's good to hear. I mean, that Ambrosia won't interfere with anything, and it'll be sweet surprises :3 And I simply LOVE Fleur right now ^-^ She gave Ambrosia what she deserved, well at least what Ambrosia deserved after saying... Well, ONE or TWO words? Then, imagine what she'll get if we take ALL of the words she has said that hurted ______(I didn't want to say 'me' now, because she's hurted probably all of your reader) >:3

  • @Xx 3mo_Star xX - I know! I'm slowly falling for him! And yes, soon :)

    @_ViolaLover_ - Haha! Yeep! It'll be fun writing that scene! :D

    @storyqueen - LOL. Everyone loves Cedric!

    @Wolfiey - Don't worry! You will have a dance with Draco. That I can guarantee!

    @Bluebird - Thank you so much! I'm glad you like what I'm doing with the original story, I really didn't think it would appeal to people that much but I'm glad it does.

    @HogwartsL ove - LOL, thank you! Awe, haha! That will be a very interesting scene to write and see. Thank you for the compliments about the detail, I still can't see it but I'm glad you enjoyed it! :)

    @rosekat - Yes, I think that's how you spell it! LOL, I can see that mainly everyone wanted to go to the ball with Draco but I'm also glad that you're okay going with Cedric ! :)

    @AiFiahK3mE - LOL. I simply love how you listed out your favorite parts. Okay, starting off with 14; I'm glad you LOVED the letter, it was also kind of funny as I tried to imagine Oliver doing such a thing. I have to agree with you! I would never do what the twins have asked me, I'm honestly shy in real life, extremely shy. So I would fail in a heartbeat. Haha! Thank you, I was afraid the ending didn't suffice.

    Now Pt 14.2; Fleur slapping Ambrosia was probably ONE of my favorite things while writing this series. I don't know, Fleur seemed like one to do so. I'm glad that you understand that I had to make Draco and Pansy go to the Ball together. LOOOOL, Yes! Cedric asking you to the Ball, well, it was another way of showing a love scene especially since Cedric doesn't have a lot of time with us. I think that ending will be hard. LOL, my secrets! Well, my secrets, I think they'll be really sweet and give the whole "wasn't expecting" that factor. No no! Ambrosia will NOT be interfering with your love life! The comment I gave @_ViolaLover_ ; that's ONE secret

  • And one more thing(I'm sorry, I know I'm probably annoying. But that's because you haven't seen me in REAL life, specially when I'm tired. I've already been jumping and running around in my classroom while we were watching some Christmas movie. I just had to move around a little.... My classmates probably thought I was crazy). Is THAT one the secrets?! Is what you told _ViolaLover_ one of the secrets?! THAT'S JUST SO AWESOME!!! Cedric will be saving - Uhm, never mind. I might be wrong, so I'd better not get my hopes up. Ooops. Too late >.>

  • Okay, I better write what I thought of the previous part (part 14) before I forget to. As you know, I was too tired to write something more than what I already wrote, so I'll say it now. I loved the letter from Oliver. I was like 'SOOOOOO CUTE!!!!' when I read when he said that he was freaking out about me in the hospital. And the job for the twins? If this were reality, I'd NEVER do that. Cheerleader voice and go talking to random students, givig away love potions? NEVER. I was going to be red the whole time. I seriously SUCK at talking with strangers, specially boys(but if I DO know them, THEN I can talk a lot, but strangers?). The only way I'd do that is if I'd take a polyjuice potion, so no one would recognise me. And the way you ended the quiz... AMAZING. I love when chapters in books end that way! I was thinking of ending it like that in my story too ^-^

    Now, about THIS quiz(part 14.2). FLEUR SLAPPED AMBROSIA?!?! Okay, now Fleur is officially my best friend forever(well, best friend that is a girl). And Drao asking Pansy to the Ball, well, not quite a shock. People can't change EVERYTHING in the original story, right? But CEDRIC asking ME? Now THAT was a surprise. I'd say yes whithout thinking twice, and that even WITHOUT all the gentleman-ness and sweetness! I'm truly sad that he dies in the end of the fourth book/movie... And WHAT exactly do you mean with those secrets in your sleeve? I hope it's nothing with what happened in the last date I had with an older guy(the one when I started hating this backstabbing, brown-haired, brown-eyed girl that could almost be my twin - not that I'd ever act like her - who's name starts with 'A' and ends with 'mbrosia')...

    An d wow, that was a loooooong comment.... But I needed to say some things about the previous part too, so....

  • ok now I think I'm ok for a minute there I thought I was going to hyperventalate (wow big word sorry if thats not how it's spelled)I can't believe I'm not going with draco but I also can't believe I'm going with cedric eeeeeeep great job and as always KEEP WRITING!!!!!!!

  • This. Was. Amazing! I loved the scenes! Cedric - gah! So adorable! So. Adorable. Really I don't know how to describe it. I'm serious! I can't get over it! I'm too breathless. xD But honestly, the descriptions made it come to life for me! You added so many details but at the same time didn't lose us, which is really hard but defiantly worth the effort, as I see here! I can't WAIT to see what happens with the Yule Ball! Thank you so much for posting! LOL, keep it up!

  • Loved it! Just phenomenal! Taking some of the original story but incorporating it with your own twists is just marvelous and I can't wait to see the rest of your work! I like that I'm going with Cedric but I'm also sad because I didn't get to go with Draco. I'm a big fan of them both. It was a pleasure taking this quiz and reading the scenes. Can't wait for the next one!

  • I'm going to the ball with Cedric and not Malfoy... Why Malfoy?! Grrr... I don't like that Pansy girl...

  • OMG! CEDRIC!!!!

  • *lightbulb* OH I get why you did that now! Yeah, I always thought it would be interesting to see that event from those people!

  • Aww, Cedric. xD Part 15!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Xx 3mo_Star xX
  • Aww, Cedric. xD Part 15!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Xx 3mo_Star xX
  • @_ViolaLover_ - I'm sorry but I can promise that you will be sharing a dance with Draco, if that counts. Sorry, Cedric asking you to the dance was an opening for another event that will involve you in the Tri-Wizard Tournament *wink* *wink* LOL! I want to add those scene! They're hilarious; you've helped me with my writers block.

    @Allycat - Thank you! LOL, that's a pretty interesting torn! Neville and Cedric but I'd have to agree. LOL, thank you :)

  • Oh, darn..I failed. Second comment. Lol

  • Amazing! I'm actually suprised I'm the first to comment--and, I have to admit, I'm torn between Neville and Cedric now.. Neville, a true friend..and Cedric, a dreamy kind person.. Also, darn you Draco! How dare he? LOL. Anywho, can't wait for the next!

  • Awwwwwwwww I actually thought I'd get to go to the ball with Draco...*tear* oh well...are you going to add the scene where ron asks hermione if she has a date yet? Or the dance class? I think both of those would be pretty awesome scenes xD can't wait for the next one!

  • Oh, I wrote that the First Challenge is in a few days; when it's actually in a month. Whoops, writer's mistake :$

  • Someone shoot me. I totally forgot to add the scene where Neville talks about his parents. I'll find a way to incorporate that later on or whatever. :(

    Well, I hope you all enjoyed this series. In my persepective, I think you're replacing Cho in the entire series but I don't know. She wasn't really my favorite characters. Haha, well. Pt 15 will be up in a few hours. :) Toodles x


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