Hogwarts Forever Part 1 (Revised)
Sorry this is late. :/ I've been busy with homework, and daydreams. This is the revised series of my old series, Hogwarts Forever. The title was inspired by Taylor Swift's song, "Sparks Fly". Before you say anything hateful about TS, I just wanna say that her songs have helped me through a lot, and I call them my "inspiration songs". Although you won't be seeing a whole bunch of sparks in the first or second year, there will be TONS of sparks flying in the third year. *grins evilly* Sage, Bianca, Nashy, and Max know this to be a fact.
As you should know by now, I decided to rewrite my Harry Potter series, Hogwarts Forever. I saw that it was becoming too much like a "love story" series, so here's Sparks Fly! In this, it starts out during the summer, before Year One. And guess what? The mail came! Oh, and my stupid laptop decided to shut down on itself down on its own, so it isn't like I first wrote it. So in this revised edition of Hogwarts Forever, you'll see more of your older siblings, and learn more your background in the beginning. Have fun, and immerse yourself in the life of Victoria Elizabeth Black.