What's Your REAL Gender? | Comments

Below are comments submitted by GoToQuiz.com users for the quiz What's Your REAL Gender?

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  • I am a girl and don't want to be bothered with their lame problems, I rather play football than watch it. Plus all the guys I usually hang out with are totally PMSing. I am a doer, but I am a talker, so you're half right, I'll take it. =)

    Your Result: Alpha Male

    You are totally in touch with your masculine side. In fact, you probably don't understand women at all (even if you are one!) You tend to be rather quiet. You're a doer, not a talker. Dramatic and emotional behavior turns you off. You rather watch football than deal with drama.

  • Alpha Male 72%

    You are totally in touch with your masculine side. In fact, you probably don't understand women at all (even if you are one!) You tend to be rather quiet. You're a doer, not a talker. Dramatic and emotional behavior turns you off. You rather watch football than deal with drama.

    i wouldn't rather watch football its boring XD

    also im female..

  • Rowanh99, some chain mail is real. I always ignored chain mail since the most popular one isn't real but one day I came across one I had never seen before. As usual, I ignored it but that was a big mistake. That night the spirit who wrote that hunted me down and stabbed me twice. How am I writing this you may be wondering. Well, spirits can touch stuff, but also go through stuff. Basically I was murdered by a REAL chain mail...

  • I got...

    "You are not overly sensitive and not easily moved. You are stoic and serious. Very little cracks your shell."

    WTF?! I'm always the one who freaks out over everything, cries when something goes wrong, and gets upset over people's slightest faults!

    And btw, my GF got "Alpha Male", but in her case it was surprisingly accurate OwO

  • I got alpha male. All true, drama annoys me, I hate prissiness, some girls of today seem like idiots even though I am a girl myself. I am quiet, and loud people annoy me, usually don't talk unless someone talks to me--- that's when I can get louder. It's all true except for the fact that I hate football. I like all sports but not football for some reason.

    • D*nm you just described me perfectly.

  • My result:
    Your Result: Alpha Male

    You are totally in touch with your masculine side. In fact, you probably don't understand women at all (even if you are one!) You tend to be rather quiet. You're a doer, not a talker. Dramatic and emotional behavior turns you off. You rather watch football than deal with drama.

    Hm...I'm a girl; but a tomboy girl person. Good quiz.

  • Your Result: 70% Male 77%

    You are in touch with your masculine side. You are not overly sensitive and not easily moved. You are stoic and serious. Very little cracks your shell. Occasionally, though, something will get through and touch your heart!

    62% Alpha Male
    31%70% Female
    0% The Queen
    I'm nonbinary but this is fine xD

  • Alpha male,I'm actually a girl lol but I do act like a boy alot more sense I enjoy being active and in the wilderness doing exploration and thrilling adventurousness then getting my nails done or shopping. Cool quiz mate.

  • sage person or whatever, i hope your reading this, cause guess

    what? your an idiot! if you died at fifteen how did you write that note?

    oh your a ghost now huh? so how ya holding yo laptop or computar mouse or phone, or passifier ? i bet your only 9 years old, at the most.

    so leave us alone and go away

  • I agree with you Rowanh99. If Sage Parson, if you were killed when you were 15, then how could you write that. Unless, you were a spirit that was typing. Oh that woyld be so cool *sees a balcony, and jumps off, she landed on her feet and was not hurt at all. she says darn im not dead*

  • O.O alpha male and I'm a girl but surprisingly accurate. Anyway great quiz

  • 70% male. Yushay! I'm a girl but I don't like being thought of as a girly girl. yuck pink. i'm not perfsie werfisie. I wanna go on an adventure and get away from this sometimes wrenched world. I do know my manners and I use them when it's mandotory. :)

  • i think this quiz alone set femenism back 30 years gottamn. cause womens only personality is taking care of their looks while mens is looking like cavemen who aggressively reject traditional femeninity and ogle cars i guess

  • Your Result: The Queen

    You are totally in touch with your feminine side. Chances are, you are a very typical woman. You are emotionally aware, and you feel deeply.TOTALLY RIGHT THIS IS THE MOST ACCURATE QUIZ IVE EVER TAKEN!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!

  • 70% Male? I wasn't expecting that O.O Btw, I'm a girl, but I don't think I need to say that...

    And wow, as far as I see, no guy took this quiz, and still all of the results people got except for one were male >.>

  • Alpha man, lol imma girl. These chain letters are so stupid, everyone knows they do nothing but waste your time and oters -_-

  • I got alpha male. Surprisingly, it's all correct.

  • This is quite possibly the most sexist, misogynistic, and toxically masculine quiz I've ever seen.

    Rainbow Lee
  • 70% female...accurate, for me, but obviously not for these other people. Slugs have four noses.

  • Alpha Male...the part about preferring football over drama is true.

  • Alpha Male! Lol, so true, except I tend to talk every second of the day... I'm talking RIGHT now! :D

  • I got:
    1st - Alpha male
    2nd - male
    3rd - female
    4th - queen

    No this cant be?! The test marked me at around 72% alpha male....

    im a female 0_0

  • 70% male? I'm a girl, but it's tough. I'm sensitive, but I'm crazy and funny. Yeah, and all that jazz...

  • I got 70% male... I'm a girl though. I guess I'm more of a tomboy than a girly-girl but I'm not exactly sure. :P

  • 70% Male. x3 I see myself as a sensitive, creative gay male, or a girl who isn't a tomboy but very strong and wise.


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