GIRLS ONLY!! What magazine should you suscribe to?

There are many teen/kid magazines out there. They are all different in their own unique way. Some have fashion in it, or animals, beauty, or a mix of them all!

Which magazine should you subscibe to? A girly one? A nature one?? A mix of all of those? In a few minutes, you will take this quiz to find out!!!!!! Enjoy it and have fun! See you later! :-)

Created by: Kupkake
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. Do you like fashion/beauty???
  2. Do you like quizzes?
  3. Do you like animals?
  4. Do you like anything at all?
  5. QUICK! choose something!
  6. Are you popular???
  7. Do you have a boyfriend?
  8. Do u like this quiz?
  9. I'm outta questions!
  10. Last question!!!! Finally!!! Leave a comment and rate. k??

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Quiz topic: GIRLS ONLY!! What magazine should I suscribe to?