fairy tail dating sim

Wasab bro or gal this is fairy tail dating sim.


Created by: fairy
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. Welcome to the dating SIM you start in bed in 3 2 1 now. You phone rings.
  2. Hey it's me natsu umm so when is the party 1:00
  3. K I'll be there - you both hang up-
  4. The party has started you,the guild members,Natsu,Gray,Lucy,and Ezra are having fun.
  5. Spin the bottle time! You are going first
  6. It land on who ever you picked
  7. After 10 turns it was over then it was movie time
  8. It ended and all of you liked it
  9. Who do you sleep next to
  10. You all slept and you will see at the end a surprise

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