Everything New Moon

You are a twiligth fan for taking this quuiz. If you pass you are A REAL TWILIGHT FANATIC. This is everything twilight no ore no less. I hope you take it!

are you a twilight fan? Do you think you can beat this? Give iot your best shot butT theree is one question that is really really really hard. Rosealie

Created by: Bre

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. Who is the author of the Twilight Saga?
  2. Who plays Jacob Black?
  3. Who is the leader of the pack?
  4. Who is Charlie?
  5. What is Isabella's mom's name?
  6. Who tries to kill Bella "again"
  7. Do you like Twilight
  8. Is Roseallie in the Twilight posters?
  9. What is ur fave book?
  10. Did you like this quiz?

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