Entwined Pt 10

SO SORRY!!!!! Sorry this came out soooooooooooo late!!!! Hope you still love me! *and hopefully in the friend way* My other accout got *pauses dramatically* HACKED!!!! I know I can't believe it either! Ummm, not sure what else to say. Oh, now I do! Please commet and rate. And try my other quiz/story Cursed! :D

Hopefully you have read the other ones and didn't just click on this because you thought I would explain it in GREAT detail. Cuz I don't do that. At all. Hope you like this one and all the other ones!!! :)

Created by: Sapphire Flames
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. *Eric's POV* Something's wrong. Amber is still shaking, badly. And she won't talk. To anyone. "Amber." Riley says softly, but I want to pound his face in. He had been the one in here with Amber. And he had to have done something. I grip Amber's waist more tightly, needing to keep my hands busy. If I'm hurting her she doesn't say anything. The sun starts to set and, finally, the moon comes up. There's not much, just a tiny sliver. "Thanatos." Amber mumbles under her breath. I look down at her. We all do. "What?" Emily takes her hand, squeezing it in a reassuring way. Amber's hand digs deeper into my thigh. "He did it. Thanatos." "What happened?" I ask, hugging her from behind. She puts her head on my shoulder, and I almost smile at the looks on Tyler's and Riley's faces.
  2. *Amber's POV* I tell them what happened when I was with Thanatos. They all listen in silence, either that or they're scared that if they do anything I'll freak out. And they might be right. When I finish Tyler looks pale while Riley is red. "That sick b------." Eric says, holding me tighter than necessary. Not that I would ever complain. "No doubt." Emily says. "We have to do something." Riley says, pacing my room. I shake my head. "There's not a lot you can do. And I'm fine." "You weren't eariler." Tyler points out and I look away, blushing. Even if they have no idea what happened between me and Riley, it still seems like they do know. I detangle myself from Eric and stand by the window. The night is clear and, from looking at the trees, there's a breeze. The moon is barely out, but I can feel it. "There has to be something," Riley voice comes from one side of the room the the other, "Maybe find him and force him to make take this thing off you. Or we could-" "No." I say, turing around. "You can't. I'm in it for life. Either that or I surrender myself to him." "No." Three voices ring at the same time. The guys look at each other for a moment before looking away. "Amber," Emily's worried voice is clear, "you can't think about that. There HAS to be something we can do. That monster can't get you." "I need some air." I say and storm out of the stuffy room, not wanting my friends to see me cry.
  3. I end up on the roof, the cool air sting my face. I don't even bother with the blankets, I want to be cold. Why is this happening to me? Even if I am complaining, I don't care. Why does my life have to be crap? Why can't it be normal where all I have to worry about is school, guys, friends, and sneaking out. I want to be normal. Ever since I was little I have. What makes me so special? And why do the guys want to be with me? I can't see anything extra ordinary about myself. I'm not even pretty. I'm just...ok. The door creaks and I turn to see Eric coming toward me. I wipe my eyes, but I don't really need to. The wind took care of that. "Hey." He says, sitting down by me. "Hi." I say, suddenly nervous. When ever I was along with one of them, I got butterflies in my stomach. But when they were together I could mostly handle them. Mostly. "Why are you here?" I ask. He shrugs, looking at the sky instead. "I guess I wanted to make sure you would be ok. You ran out of your room like we were gonna jump you." I smile. Eric says the funniest and weirdest things. It was one of reasons I liked him. "I just..." Just what? Didn't want to look weak? Yeah. But should I tell him that? Probably not. When I don't finish he just puts his hand on mine. "I think I understand." "You do?" I glance over at him. He nods, his hair looking unbelievably sexy in the wind. "You need time, right? Didn't want to be around people." Bingo. Well, part of it. "Yeah." I say. "You want me to leave?" "No." I answer quickly then blush like crazy. "Its cute when you do that." "Do what?" "Blush. I think you look cute when you do it." Which makes me blush even harder. His hand brushes my cheek, the lightest touch. Gentle. My heart goes wild, the beat irregular. If this continued I wouldn't be able to be around any more guys. They made me feel...high. Like nothing can touch me. And it's as dangerous as it is wonderful.
  4. I don't even think. I just lean over and kiss him. I feel him tense up - like he didn't expect that - then his hand was on my back, pulling me closer. I wrapped my arms around his neck and I think we fell. He smiled against my lips, but we didn't stop. Not until air was needed. But even after that we kissed and kissed. Everything felt so right, natural as breathing. It was like all the other times. With the other guys. But this time it was different. He was being careful with me, not wanting me to brake. Its just what I need. His breath was warm on my cheek when he kisses it. "I love you." He whispered against my neck. I froze. What did I tell him? The truth? What about the other guys. I loved them too. "I love you too." My mouth said it before my mind could do anything about it. He kissed my jaw, leaving a trail of kisses from my jaw to my cheek. Then my lips. Despite the cold, I was warm with him. It wasn't a date, but it was as good as one would be. Something wet hit my forehead, making me come up for air and touch it. "What was that?" Another one hits my hand, a small drop of water in the middle of my palm. Eric chuckled. "I think it's raining." As he said it the rain came down harder. In sheets. I couldn't help it. I giggled. Me and Eric stood up and I started going toward the door. But Eric didn't follow. I turned. He was standing with his arm out, palm out. "May I have this dance m'lady?" I laughed at his bad attempt at a British accent. "Why of course you may." I pretend to curtsey. And I leap toward him. I've never danced in the rain, but I've always wanted to. And I'm living the dream. Eric starts to do the waltz, even without the music. I don't know how to waltz, but it's a problem that he solves. He lifts me onto his feet and we dance like that. I can't believe he's dancing with me on him, but he's doing it. I lean into him, my hair plastered to my head. I don't know how long we dance but it seems to end to soon. "We need to go." He says aginst my head. I nod but don't move, my head still on his chest. I finally move and we walk back together, hand in hand.
  5. I woak up and the first thing I realized is that I'm in a room. The second is that Eric's right by me. The third is that I'm still wearing my old clothes. That brings me some relief. We didn't do anything rash last night. Like have sex. But there was lots of kissing. Even after we danced. I don't move, feeling happy and content with just laying here. Eric moves and turns to face me on his side. I don't know why but I pretend to sleep, evening my breathing. I feel him brush the hair out of my face and push it behind my ear. I almost smile. He kisses the top of my head and his bed squeaks when he gets up. I watch as he pulls his shirt over his head and throws it in the corner. Man is he hot. Eric has the best looking chest in the world. He disappears into the bathroom, the shower turning on. I get up and tiptoe to his desk, were I'm praying there's paper and something to write with. I scribble a quick note. 'Had to go back to my room.' I look down at it, wondering what I should put to finish it. 'Love you' There it's finished. I put it on the bed and leave before I can change the note.
  6. When I walk out of my room, freshly cleaned and dressed, I run into a grumpy looking Emily. "Where have you been?" She asks, her clothes rumbled and her hair messy. "Um..." Come on what's a good excuse? "I was with - with...Eric." She squeals like a little girl. "Oh my gosh!" She starts jumping up and down. "Shh." I say, trying to make her stop. "I can't believe this. First there's Tyler, then Riley, and nows there's-" I slap my hand over her mouth and nearly drag her in our room. "You don't edit what you say do you?" I glare at her angrily. She just smiles. "So...you were in his room?" She asks innocently. "Yeah." Where's this going? "As in, his room with beds?" She bats her eyes at me. "Yes." When she smile turns into a grin I finally get it. "Oh no! Not that!" I shake my head, acting like I'm grossed out. But there is the possibility it could happen. Ugh, what's happening to me? She laughs. "What?" I ask hotly. "Your love life is pretty full, isn't it?" I throw a pillow at her. "And what about yours? The cute boy?" That gets her talking. I nod and say "Really?" and "Oh wow." In all the right places. But I don't really hear any of it. My mind is off thinking about my three boyfriends.
  7. I decide to walk outside because I desperately need to clear my head. How can THREE guys like me? At the same time? It's just like those books, the ones where the guys just love the girl. But you can't find anything really special about her. The crisp air hits me full blast and I shiver. So far this summer has been extremely cold. Usually it's at night, but for the past few days its been durning the day too. It's like the sun isn't even trying to warm the earth. Most of the students are outside, either talking or throwing something at each other. From across the lot I see Tyler talking to another guy. He looks up like he new I was watching him. He waves and his mouth starts to form into a shout. But I don't see what he's about to say because I get sucked somewhere else.
  8. *Thanatos paces the floor, his head bent thinking. I hear foot steps echoing off the stone floor. "Master." Thanatos turns and looks over at...Sam. My heart drops the same time my anger flares. I wouldn't be withering in pain if it weren't for him and Trey. "What?" Thanatos snaps, glaring at Sam. "Billy has sent them on there way. Trey is leading the men." He says it without a expression in his voice or on his face. But Thanatos is grinning ear to ear. "Finally. After years..." He mutters off and Sam melts away, leaving without a sound. I watch him leave with a mixture of hatred and disbelief. I trusted him and Trey. But they turned out to be twisted and evil. My trust issues weren't getting any better. Thanatos stopped pacing and looked in my genral direction. An evil and gloating smile plays around his mouth, making him look beautiful and evil at the same time. "Your about to lose everything." And I start spinning upward into darkness.*
  9. When I come too Tyler is standing over me with a worried look. He sees that I'm awake and sighs, relieved. "I thought you...you know." He bits his lip. "No. No I-" Then I do. He ment that Thanatos got me and was hurting me. He was only half right. Then I remember what I saw. "Tyler I need to tell you something. It's-" But I get cut off because the sky starts turning black with monsters.
  10. CLIFFHANGER!!!! Sorry but I had too! Yes it was necessary...somewhat. Sorry about this coming out soooooooooo late but it all started with my other freaking accout getting hacked by some arrogant a--hole!!!! *calmes down* I'll try to' get the next one out as soon as I can! XD

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