does your dad love his girlfriend more than you?

if you want to know if your daddy loves his girlfriend more than you take this quiz. it will answer your question. good luck to all that is going to take this quiz.

does your dad love his girlfriend more than you? do you wonder that? wanna find out? take this quiz and find out! it will give you ALL the answers your looking for!

Created by: bob
  1. does your dad talk to you a lot?
  2. does he tell you he loves you?
  3. do you see your dad?
  4. does he talk about his girlfriend a lot?
  5. does he hug you?
  6. does he hug his girlfriend more than you?
  7. does he spend more time with you or her?
  8. has he ever said he loves her more than you?
  9. does he but her lots of stuff?
  10. will he give her up for you?

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Quiz topic: Does my dad love his girlfriend more than you?