Does your crush like you back?

Everyone will have a crush sooner or later. (If you don't have one, then I suggest you leave) Everyone wonders if there crushe likes them, or not. I have too.

Now you can figure out if your crush likes you or not. Whether he/she doesn't or does, please be happy. Please comment at the end of the quiz so I can see if it is good or not.

Created by: Luv myself
  1. Does he/she stare at you?
  2. Does he/she ever smile or wave at you?
  3. Does He/she ever try to talk to you?
  4. Does he/she ever blush when he/she is around you?
  5. Does he/she ever compliment you?
  6. Does he/she ever try to be near you?
  7. Did you like this quiz?
  8. Why did you take it?
  9. Will you rate or comment?
  10. Bye!

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Quiz topic: Does my crush like you back?