Does He Like You?

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Crush- noun - a person that you have a special attraction or desire to, like millions of people on this planet (forget millions, basically everyone!)

I have a crush, but he doesn't like me. I was heartbroken, because I thought all along that he did. I don't want you to have the same experience that I had, so please take this quiz.

Created by: Heartbroken
  1. Does he know you exist?
  2. Do you guys hang out a lot?
  3. How many things do you two have in common?
  4. Does he blush when he talks to you?
  5. Do your friends think you make a good couple?
  6. What do you guys talk about?
  7. Does he ever go out of his way to help you or walk with you?
  8. Are you friends with his friends?
  9. How many people know that you like him?
  10. If he talks to you, where does he look?
  11. Is there an age difference?

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