Do you know WoW?

Millions of people all around the world play World of Warcraf. This Quiz is to just see if you know some of just the basic knowlage of the game. Have fun!

Do you play wow like the other millions of people around the world? If so see if you know a little about it. If not try it and maybe you will join the others. Have Fun!

Created by: Quort

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. Who created World of Warcraft?
  2. How many classes are there?
  3. Two classes can have pets what two?
  4. At what LvL do you get a mount?
  5. What is the up coming expantion called?
  6. Alliance or Horde?
  7. What are the new races?
  8. What is Kodo?
  9. What is the Orc main city?
  10. Where is the Dark Portal?
  11. Who is the Orc king?
  12. What is the best gear you can have?
  13. How much do you play WoW?

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Quiz topic: Do I know WoW?