Does He Like Me? | Comments
Below are comments submitted by users for the quiz Does He Like Me?
Does He Like Me?
Your Result: He likes you 93%He sorta likes you, but doesn't really want anyone to know. He still thinks he needs to get to know you a little more, but really wants to. Go after him... And anything can happen! Enjoy.
Me: YESSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS SSSSSSSSS!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
QueerFox1 -
I got he really likes me, I asked him to a dance coming up, he said no because he wasn’t allowed to go, but he said he would if he could!! I am so happy!!! 😍
It's funny, i think i don't like a guy very much.....
and then when doing a quiz like this i have him in mind! Isn't life weird that way....
Really who the hell would put chain letters on here !!!!!
tammy41 -
Hey my crush in school does not think I'm a total dope he smiles at me a lot and laughs so I'm not a dope
Laurenxp1 -
U guys r stupid
i'm in a lot of drama right now my boyfriend broke up with me and while i was dating him i liked this guy (STILL DO) who is my best friends crush but she doesn't know i like him and she can't find out EVER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Lol He totally likes me. I don't really like him though. -_-
I think i should stop crushing on my crush. :(
Swaggy1 -
How does height have anything to do with it? Oh, and we are both medium height, and thats not an answer
Sports191 -
He likes me so omg cause he has an ex girlfriend
And we r in fourth grade!!!!!
He crushes over me! ^.^ Great quiz!
He crushes all over me! (sigh of satisfaction) Thanx for making the quiz! It was great!
Kcat1 -
Chain letters stink like two hundred year old dog poop!
I got 'He LOVES you girl!' Cool. Since I got that maybe I should ask him out but one problem. He's dating another girl. Ah f--- it. I'm still doing it. Lol. I like this quiz. Good job. (;
Good quiz!! I rated it fully
I have a boyfriend ,so lucky me that he is head over heels 4 me!
I feel so loved after taking this quiz... :)
im hoping this quiz is accurate because ive liked him 4 years and missed al my chances, and want him to like me... im kinda pathetic...
yay yay yay yay yay thanks vamps now you just told me what to do wit my bf keep him and deal with him thanks and by the way i got he loves me gurl
i cant do this i just cant leave him alone plus he iz so worth any troble i lik him so much that i will scream out his name and that i really really REALLY! lik him plus this quiz told me i can do way better OMG THATS RUDE AND PLUS MY FRIENDS THINK THAT TO!!!!!!!!!!!!! MOOD: >:-
itzels1 -
Ha i took this and it said He Loves You Girl! So i asked him out and he said no and we havent been friends again since, thanks xD
okay can sombody help me!! okay i like this guy and it looks like that he likes me to. so how do i tell him that i like him with out freakin him out. we only have one class together which is P.E so i have a slight problem.
beta let me tell u something first of all u dont got type of life for wrighting a dum as comment at 6:49 AM NOT EVEN PM SO GET A LIFE ND of course the computer is goin to tell u he only like u cuz u did a like quiz instead of doin a love quiz u dork LMAO nd stop hatin cuz everything that it said about me nd my crush its true.....
maybay1 -
oh, yeah, he loves me, i didn't think an 11-year-old would actually LOVE someone but i can tell cuz he sits next to me during math,