do U know daniel radcliffe?

this quiz is about Daniel Radcliffe so fans of harry potter come here and you can try to pass my quiz people think they know him but they don't and i think i know him so if u think u know him come to my quiz and try

do you know Dan Radcliffe? if so you must love him because i love him and i know him so if you think you know him u can come take my quiz and see if you r a genius when is comes to Dan or stoopid when it comes to him

Created by: ann
  1. how old is daniel radcliffe?
  2. when is his b-day?
  3. what movie series does he star in?
  4. whats his color?
  5. whats his fav. number?
  6. what other movie did he star in?
  7. was he really nude in a movie?
  8. is he a righty or lefty?
  9. what is his religion?
  10. what is his fav band

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