Do people like you? Girls Only! | Comments

Below are comments submitted by users for the quiz Do people like you? Girls Only!

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  • You are a independent and strong person. You always make sure what you need to do gets done which also makes you very responsible. But you tend to be selfish. People still think your caring and like you but try to do somethings that make others smile too. You'll be pleased with yourself for doing a good deed

  • Do people like you? Girls Only!
    Your Result: People absolutely love you!

    Has anyone ever told you that you are a total sweetheart? Well if they did they were right! You put others before yourself and would drop everything that your were doing if someone is in need. Which makes you wonderful but make sure to do somethings that make you happy.

    Very true, people always tell me I'm nice.. I usually stop my friends from making bad choices in life ^_^

  • Your Result: People like you.

    You are a independent and strong person. You always make sure what you need to do gets done which also makes you very responsible. But you tend to be selfish. People still think your caring and like you but try to do somethings that make others smile too. You'll be pleased with yourself for doing a good deed

  • Ta, ur brill!
    Got people like ya! I no they don't

  • Good quiz, very accurate results. ;)

    And Nikki_Knox, I'm getting kinda tired of seeing you advertising your quizzes in every single quiz I take. If people cared about your quizzes, they would be taking them.

  • Amazing quiz!!! Great job! I loved my results!!! :))

    Kaylyn Miller

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