Conservatarian Quiz

There are tons of people who encompass all parts of the political spectrum, however, there is a certain point that very few reach. A right leaning Libertarian philosophy between Paleoconservatism and Libertarianism that shares many things with Paleolibertarianism but has a few minor differences, we will call this Conservatarianism.

Do you believe that you are a Conservatarian? By taking this test we will analyze and discover results to uncover where on the Conservatarian political lineage you land.

Created by: Ben
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. Does a private baker have to bake a cake for a gay man?
  2. Do you believe in gun rights?
  3. Is protectionism good?
  4. What would you consider yourself politically?
  5. Do you believe in racial separation?
  6. Do you Support Donald Trump?
  7. What is more important, the individual or the collective?
  8. Is taxation theft?
  9. Is Feminism a good thing?
  10. What is your main source of news?
  11. What is the responsibility of the government?

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