Confinement Part 23 | Comments

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  • QOD: he's gonna be sad... very very sad... agh, what even happened with me and web? i don't drink or skip class, let alone even try to! FLAME, I'M SORRY! IT'S ALL WEB'S FAULT! >:(

  • OMG im speechless! I totally love your series!!! You some times incorporate the Philippines in some of ur stories and i was just wondering if u were filipino cuz filipino ako (im filipino)! The weird thing is is that the was u describe the girl in our(viwers point of view) IS EXACTLY LIKE ME! Dont worry if your late in posting cuz ik how u feel!

  • Damn I'm late D: But I'm glad I found it ^-^

  • When's the next one coming?:(

  • QOD:I think Flame (though he thinks much of himself) is acutally less self-assured as Web. Web handled the rumors with a careless sort of objectivity, meaning he forms his own opinions. He could really care less what others people think; such a little rebel ;P Plus, I agree with ivoryleaf; he's blunt and will speak his mind no matter what. Flame, meanwhile, is a little shaken by the news and by my absence. He's unsure and out of his element with no one paying attention to him like they usually do. If people were giving Web weird looks, he'd probably flick them off or leave or something, but for Flame, he misses the attention and has to wonder about what they are thinking. Probably the rumors about him in the past makes him a little more self-concious than Web as he probably still has to wonder whether or not they still might be talking behind his back about a past he doesn't want to bring up, which also shows that Flame does have more tender emotions ;P not to mention that time when Web found him sulking in the room too; I can't imagine Web sulking like that. Web would probably go do something reckless to take his mind off things. Flame also wants to talk about Brittany's rumor with me, probably to see my side of the story, but, for Web, the case is closed, and he already's formed his opinion. Woops, wrote a lot >.> but I can't help it - your characters are so deep and realistic. What would I pay for just one of your characters to actually be real XD

    had to go into 2 comments because of my wordiness, I'm sorry DX I type too much XD thanks again, Dannica, for choosing my entry and another thanks for just being awesome! Can't wait for part 24! ^^

  • OH MY FUDGING ICE CREAM x) NO FREAKING WAY *squeal* XD I won!?! and I was already hyper today - this is bad XD eep! Thank you, Dannica!!! ^^ my good gumbo... I didn't even have much sugar today... ok, I need to calm down a notch, okay, onto talking about this part :P

    What is in that canister of Haste's? D: I really loved that scene; written so well while it played and danced around what the item actually is. Hm, who in the world could Sebastian be meeting with... Brittany pretending to be sympathetic is pathetic -.- and I love how Flame compliments himself in his thoughts XD it's hilarious, but cute. *shakes head* Web, you bad influence, you... I love you anyway XD :o the return of Tallon. That mysterious guy... does he have deals with the devil or something? o.o that boy seems to carry a heavy secret and - *reads answer choice* ZOMG I forgot about that! That does seem remarkably familiar.... o.o no, Tallon, no D: oh wow... Ii get drunk really easily... that's probably how I'd be in real life too if I had a whole unknown bubbling alcohol drink XD oh gosh... Sebastian is evil ._. and crazy... and such a psycho... O.O oh my god, this is not going to be easy to tangle out.. deja vu indeed. This part was soooo amazing, Dannica, and I probably don't have to tell you again, but I love your writing XD You use the different POV's of your characters so effectively too, creating suspense and interest meanwhile keeping humor in it, and wrapping it all up with emotions and sensory details into one big, fluffy masterpiece

  • :O amazing!!! When I s'straddled' web i was like wtf?! Aw i missed rave! He wasnt in this but then again it was flame's turn. Oh gosh what is he thnking idk my mind's just gone blank! Someone tell me what he might be thinking of me?! Xox

  • Alwsome!! Next part though I am so brain dead right now. I think I go brain dead from reading!! Its possiable!! Right?

  • Goodness gracious that was the best part so far! There was action and some romance and obvious jealousy, and mystery and doubts everywhere ugh Dannica you are a complete genius!! You put such good pace in how you write; it's not going too fast or too slow and there is always somethin going on!

    question of the day: I think that web and flame differ because although both don't really care what others have to think, web doesn't care how people see him, but flame does...if that makes sense. And I think flame will understand actually!

  • Oh and @Teresa22 no the main character just had a drink and she never drank before so that's why she's all loopy because she's not used to it I guess

  • That was so....SUSPENSEFUL lol but really like, Carnation and Noose and them killed a whole ship of people and Sebastian is meeting up with some mysterious meeting and Tallon is meeting up with this monster or whatever and I'm skipping school here with web while flame is probably thinking I'm batty WOW SO MUCH GOING ON but OMG when web was like dj vu or whatever UGH SO CUTE

  • This is like what oh my I'm like Web Flame P.O.V everything making mindblown like what.

    I so desperately want to fangirl but...I can't. Sebastian is so cool like and Carnation is just so I HAVE A GIRL CRUSH ON THE ENEMY ALRIGHT ALRIGHT. Flame is so stuck up and arrogant but it's so cute. As for Web, I absolutely am stuck between those two like really you make my heart race so much. He gave me beer xD Oh dear. Flame's bed smells so nice all the time can I smell his neck and hair I just want to hug him. I'm a hugger. I find hugs more intimate than kissing so please dear lord let me have all the hugs from all of them. It's so sweet how Web just doesn't care, he only sees what he sees not everyone else. As for Flame, he does have his doubts. He's too in to society. I love how the guys are the same but they are SO DIFFERENT HOW DO YOU DO THAT TEACH ME. Your characters are like the best in the world omfg.

    The difference between Flame and Web is that Flame has the soft side. He's arrogant and stuck up but he's sensitive. He gets worried and he's like a romantic. And he thinks he's all that with the thoughts :P As for Web, he's the ultimate bad boy. He takes risks and he makes me explore that with him, showing me the beautiful dangers of the world. Web doesn't seem to care about pretty much anything, he's headstrong and blunt and I love that about guys. Flame seems like the one that would spare my feelings but Web wouldn't and he wouldn't care what others think of me. I think Flame has a bit of doubt in me but he would still hear me out. Get the next one out I swear get it out I'm going to spam you everyday and me in a towel just like how Web and I met. Get it out. It's so nice how I analyze the characters for you hehe I'm just as narcissistic as Flame.


  • I would have written much longer than this, but writing in this nook would take like foreverrrrr! But i must say, i grinnined all through out this part and fell down off my chair - literaly- at the last part! OMG I AM Dieing here!!!!!! ROFL MAKE NEXT PART NOW:3

  • PART 24



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