Can You Name All the Horse Tack?

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It is a very awesome quiz! You should take it! You learn new things if you got under high score! And guess what? This quiz I personally think should get a gold metal! (Just because this my first quiz to create)

Have a great time and don't forget that not everyone is smart about horsey things so please just have fun! Horses Rock!!πŸ΄πŸ‡ horses are awesome! Go horses!

Created by: Kayla Jean
  1. What is the tack called that you sit on?
  2. What's the tack called that you put in a horses mouth?
  3. What is the tack called that you put your feet in?
  4. What is the grooming tool that you clean a hoof with called?
  5. Finish the sentence: You don't have to use a curry _____
  6. Do you like horses?
  7. What is the tack called that you put under the saddle?
  8. Were do you put the saddle and pad?
  9. What is the tack called that is part of the saddle that goes under the belly?
  10. What do you put on the horses head for riding?
  11. What do you call another head tack that you use to lead a horse with along with the lead rope?

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Quiz topic: Can I Name All the Horse Tack? You can find more quizzes like this one in our Horses Quiz category.