How much do you know about horses?

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Are you an expert when it comes to horses, or a newbie? Let’s find out! No matter what score you get, there’s always more to learn, so don’t feel bad if you got a low score!

Do you know a halfinger from a Black Forest horse? Can you spot a Shetland pony, or memorize the names of every kind of tack? We’ll see in this quiz!!!

Created by: Razzberries
  1. What’s a medium brown horse with a yellowish mane called?
  2. what’s the thing you put your foot in?
  3. What is a bay?
  4. What’s the part of the hoof you should never pick called?
  5. What is special about a Shetland pony’s mane?
  6. Which horse out of the following has a wavy mane and tail?
  7. First step in grooming?
  8. Biggest horse out of the following?
  9. Smallest horse out of the following?
  10. Last question! What is a chestnut?

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Quiz topic: How much do I know about horses?
