How much do u know about horses?

I will explain my quiz to u! There will be 10 questions all about horses if u don't know just pick idk (i dont know) or i have no clue and stuff like that but not all of the questions will have that so u can guess or try if u want to get it right!

at the end of the quiz there will be ur score the higher the score the more u know about horses the less the score the less u know about horses.hopefully u understand and hopefully u get a good result!!

Created by: Eleanor
  1. what is the difference between a western saddle and an english saddle?
  2. what color r yellow horses called?
  3. what does hh stand for?
  4. what do u need to wear when u ride horses?
  5. what do u need to do before u ride a horse and after u ride a horse?
  6. what r horses called if they have hair on their hoofs?
  7. wich of these breeds is not an actual breed?
  8. what are saddle,reins,bridle called?
  9. Is there a breed called a walkaloosa?
  10. did u like my quiz?

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