how much do you know about horses?

there are few people who know lots about horses. are you one of them? now is your time to find out if you know the basics about horse riding, care, and facts to get your overall score! good luck:)

are you a genius? do you have the brains to get 100% on this quiz? until now you could only wonder, but thanks to this quiz, in just a few minutes you can find out!

Created by: paige
  1. what are stirrups?
  2. how many gaits are there, and what are they?
  3. what is the poll?
  4. when asking you horse to canter your legs are ...
  5. if a horses ears are pinned back it is...
  6. how many beats in a canter? trot? gallop? walk?
  7. a horses diet is usually...
  8. if someone says a horse isn't broke it means...
  9. whats a halter?
  10. your horse won't stay on the rails and keeps trying to go into the middle of the arena. what do you do?
  11. your horse won't stay on the rails and keeps trying to go into the middle of the arena. what do you do?
  12. your horse head is too low and it's pulling on your hands. what do you do?
  13. what's the difference between a pony and a horse?

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Quiz topic: How much do I know about horses?