Can I have some advice? | Comments

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  • If he thinks you're annoying then he'll probably show it. What does his expression look like? Does he look annoyed and just nod without really paying attention when you're talking to him? Does he show honest interest and his expression is open? He might even like you and just be acting "cool" as guys often do. Take note of his behavior, then make your conclusion based off of that. Remember, don't be clingy.

  • Think really really hard about why you like the guy. I liked a guy and asked him out with all my confidence and he said no but a few weeks later he asked me and I said yes. Before I asked him out we were friends. We dated for three months and decided it was better if we were friends because we always felt frustrated because we had to think about if our hands were sweaty when we held hands and stuff like that. We decided to be friends. If this guy is your friend it probably won't work but it might because the guy I am with now is my best friend. Anyway ask him. You won't know until you do and guys like confidence, I swear. My advice probably sucks but I tried.

  • I think you just be straight forward w/ it, i mean the worst that can happen is him not liking you back. but theres sooo many other guys, and I had the EXACT same trouble as you, guys are just confusing.. but I realized I wasted my whole school year crushing on ONE boring guy. But just be honest, guys like confidence in a girl (:

  • if you wanted better help, you probably should have made this a thread in dating/relationship s. but, if you're annoying him, you're probably following him, or keep talking to him. there weren't a lot of details so i can't help you that much

  • I think you should be his friend first then see what happens this may not be good advice but you should give it a shot.

    shadow wolf 195
  • well, if you annoying him, he might try and avoid you. is he trying to avoid you? if he is, when you walk past him, just smile and say hi! oh and dont follow him everywhere. i also like peanut butter.

  • when he talks to u look him in the eye n toss ur hair on ur shoulder dont fiddle with it just toss once guys are MAD about a good hair toss throw a party play his fave music n if he dance with another girt dont get jelous he'll get to ya the when the guy is sleepy its late night u sit him on the couch and make out:} im a cheer laeder take advise from me plz im not begging cuz i have the highest stereo type i f he deosnt let u the do the making out force fully n that'll ease him [if ur a gr8 kisser]


  • Well how does he act?


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