Beautiful Endings Part 18 | Comments

Below are comments submitted by users for the quiz Beautiful Endings Part 18.

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  • I'M CRYING SO MUCH RIGHT NOW! this is the first emotional story that's made me cry to this extent. can i just say, please don't kill my alex, and yes, christopher too? it'll make me cry even more...

  • I'm just speechless.your know it's different in a good way.I love this!!and I know you are not planing on killing the main character,though I have no objection if you do.if I die,here's my plan...I can become an angel of death and come back to earth in human form but still remaining does that sound.;)

  • Amazing, as always.

    For angelic's idea, I don't know much about it, but it sounds pretty cool.

  • whoa *breathes* oh snickerdoodles what a cliffhanger

  • aah... i was like screaming and almost tearing up when taking this.. it is sooo good.. i dont want to die.. huhu..

  • Amazing!! This was amazing! Your so amazing! It's come a habit of mine to say that on your quizzes! I not lying though! I don't have much to say about This one. I loved the ending! Nice way to end it!!

  • .... i know im suppose to not be here but i just had to say this: whoa and the rest is too much i luv u all... and yes i like the mash up idea..

  • OH MY FREAKING POPCORN, this was SO...... breathtaking, amazing, magnificent, superb... just, it was a perfect end to my day, Dannica. One of the best. My heart stopped and dropped (and rolled XP) throughout it all. My poor Alex! He has to deal with an evil, sadistic, psychopathic, and sociopathic father AND a deranged, deluded, risen-from-the-dead girfriend. I shall not truly rest until part 19 comes out :P

    I thought angelic4's idea was really cool, and I'd love to be a part of it possibly. It will just be difficult deciding how it will work, whether the storylines will mesh together, whether all characters will be kept, whether a whole new combined story will take form, etc.

  • HOLY OMG!!!!!!! :O This was probably the best part yet! It was really emotional, I swear I'm crying on the inside. (It's the best I can do, because I discovered today that I forgot how to's weird, I know. :/) Anyway, I was on the edge of my seat the whole time! Dannica, you are one demented child, but I think it only adds to your creativity because you're writing is outstanding! Hurry up with part 19 or I'll die!!!! And about that writer mash up thing, I've never heard of it before but it sounds like a great idea! I'd love to read a mash up of Beautiful Secrets, Teenage Chronicle, and Paranormal Love. But who would write it?

  • Amazing part.. But.. THEY BETTER NOT DO ANYTHING TO MY ALEX OR ALL OF THEM WILL DIE!!!! Oh and thats a good idea but at the same time, not so great. Its good because all my fave characters meet together in one, but its not so great because i like a person in each one of them and it would be very hard to choose... Although, i still like Alex the best from all of them.. So it would be interesting if it was written... Anyways.. Next part ASAP!!!


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